Study 2:
Types and Shadows: Part I
Types and Shadows: Part I
The two chapters entitled, “Types and Shadows,” will cover various doctrine, traditions and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church — some of which have been adopted by the Christian world at large — and the Babylonian source from which they spring. This Part I will cover five prime dogmas, and Part II will touch upon some of the others, but not all. However, NO attempt is made at trying to address each and every one. These studies, along with the others in the series, are only an attempt to show the Paganistic Babylonian influence upon Roman Catholicism, and modern Christianity. Many ancient events were a “type” of that which exists today, foreshadowing that which was to come in the future. Such types and shadows will help identify the great Whore and Beast of Revelation pertaining to “end times” prophecy.
The Holy Trinity (three-gods-in-one) concept first appeared in ancient Babylon with Nimrod, together with Semiramis and Tammuz. They became the model for the pagan concept of the three-in-one Godhead and following Holy Trinity of Christianity. In truth, it can rightly be termed, the Unholy Trinity.
Down through history these three have became identified with various names. For example, Nimrod has been known as, Abir or Aber, a winged god; Baal, the Babylonian sun god; Bel, Bal or Belus; Buddh of China; Cronus; Janus or Chaos of Rome; Maitreya; Marduk, the snake-dragon god; Moloch, god of death; the great Zeus, son of Cronus and supreme deity of ancient Greece; and identified by the Romans with Jupiter; and the list goes on.
became known by various names, such as Allilah or Allah, the moon goddess; Ashtoreth, the principle female deity of the Phoenicians; Astarte to the Assyrians; Cybele, a goddess with the 12 stars around her head, as is represented by the European Union today; Diane, mood goddess of the Greeks and Romans; Ishtar, the Babylonian sun goddess; Isis, an Egyptian sun goddess; Lady Liberty, as is represented by the Statue of Liberty with Tammuze’s flame of enlightenment in her hand, and Seven Horns on her crown as spoken of by Daniel the Prophet; Osiris of Egypt; Rhea, Goddess of the hunt; and Venus, the Goddess of love; plus many more. (Above right: A few ancient Triune gods of pagan origin such as Ra, Isis, Osiris of Egypt, and the Kampuchean Buddhist triune godhead.)
And, the grandest of all, “Queen of Heaven,” by which she has been known and still is known. The Queen of Heaven is the name of the goddess who is slated to be the main worship figure of the new proposed One World Religion that is currently being formed in these last days, of which ALL mankind is expected to become associated. This same female deity, because of her claimed immaculate conception, has also been known as the “Virgin Mother.”
Some of the names of Tammuz are those like, Bacchus, the god of wine; Cupid; Dagon, the fish god; Hercules; Horus and Osiris of Egypt; Ninus; Baal (Reincarnate); Shamash; Uhura Mazda; the White Centaur; and so forth.
Although many are not familiar with the name, Tammuz, the Bible makes mention of him in the Book of Ezekiel. In Chapter 8 the Lord is showing Ezekiel the great abominations of the House of Israel. Concerning one of those abominations he wrote: “He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do. Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD'S house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.” (Ezek.l 8:13-14.) Along with the displaying of images and obelisks, they were worshiping and honoring Tammuz and the Queen of Heaven, as Jeremiah records. (The Jeremiah references we’ll get to shortly.)
Marduk (another name for Nimrod and symbolized by the dragon-snake)
is also known as the “trinity sungod,” consisting of the man-god (Baal or Bel) the female-goddess (Astarte or Isis/Ishtar) and the child-god (the reincarnation of Baal called Tammuz or Horus). Together they are often symbolized by the single “Eye of Horus,” which is pictured as an eye in a pyramid, as can be seen on the back of the One Dollar Federal Reserve Note. (Pictured left.) The Roman Catholic Church, Modern Masonry and Kabbalah use this symbol for their organizations,
which should say a lot about the fundamentals of their beliefs and of the origin of those beliefs. (Right: The dragon crest of the Vatican is Marduk from Ancient Babylon.)
In the Vatican-museum they proudly display and cherish the Crest of the snake-dragon of Marduk which, as was pointed out, is another name for Nimrod. It is also their oldest piece. Roman Emperor Heliogabalus (AD 218-222) introduced the Akitu-festival in honor of Mardruk during his reign in the third Century.
In the Vatican-museum they proudly display and cherish the Crest of the snake-dragon of Marduk which, as was pointed out, is another name for Nimrod. It is also their oldest piece. Roman Emperor Heliogabalus (AD 218-222) introduced the Akitu-festival in honor of Mardruk during his reign in the third Century.
Unholy Trinity Adopted by Christianity
The Trinity is a continuation of the Trinitarian or Triune god system of old Babylon and continue to be espoused by many pagan religions today. Trinitarianism resulted in the Christian church when Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity and allowed all pagans to become Christian.
In that year AD 325, Constantine lead the Council of Nicea in which the fundamental doctrine of the trinity was introduced, and during the council of Constantinople (AD 381) all facets of the trinity had been passed.
(At right:
A medal from ancient pagan Siberia, depicting a trinity god, can be found in the Imperial Cabinet of St. Petersburg.)
The unconverted pagans, who were NOT truly converted to Christ at all, brought into the assembly of Christian believers their pagan philosophies and practices. The pagan mind was skilled at “spiritualizing” most everything, and many of the early Church Fathers, such as the so called, St. Augustine, who had actually been a sun worshiper of the Manichaean sect, had all come from this breed of Trinitarianist.
A high percentage of the vast number of pagan cults had their Trinities with three key figures, also. Following is a short list of only a few of those Triune god systems from the past:
BABYLON: Baal, Semiramis, and Tammuz.
EGYPT: Amon Ra, Isis, and Osiris or Horus.
GREECE: Zeus or Apollo, Demeter or Athena, and Porsephene or Nike.
MACEDONIAN and ASIAN: Dagon, Cybele, and Deoius or Janus.
ROME: Deus or Zeus, Venus, and Cupid.
MITHRAIC: Mithras, Rashnu, and Vohu Manah.
MANDAEN: Joshaman, Abatar, and Hibil Ziwa.
MANICHAEAN: Ohrmazd, Maitreya, and Zurvan.
CANAANITE or PHOENICIAN: Baal or Molloch, Asherah or Ishtar, and Rompha.
CHALDEAN and ZOROASTRIAN: Baal or Mithra, Astoreth; and Haoma.
PERSIAN: Shamash, Ishtar, and Sin.
CELTIC: Woden, Freya (Frigga), and Thor.
INDIA: Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu or Krishna.
JAPAN: Shinto religion has the phrase, “San Pao Fuh”, which mens “one deity, three forms.”
Unholy Trinity and Protestantism
The Trinity concept has taken many differing names throughout the centuries, but originally the three names were Nimrod (Father), Semarimus (Mother and Queen of Heaven), and the son, Tammuz (the reincarnated Nimrod).
Since adopting the dogma, Roman Catholicism has twisted Trinitarianism and explains it away so well that Protestantism continued to buy it even after throwing off so many other Papal dogmas. However, the doctrine still remains confusing and illogical while at the same time being rationalized (rational-lies), excused, and hidden behind the cloak of mystery and the misinterpretation of Holy Writ.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is “simply beautiful, and beautifully simple,” as one person put it. “For God is NOT the author of confusion...” (1 Cor. 14:33) Said the Apostle Paul, and Trinitarianism is a false idea which is not scripturally sound, although scripture is wrested in an attempt to prove otherwise. Although true that God the Father, God the son, and God the Holy Ghost are all three gods, the concept that the three separate Gods are only one and comprising the “one true God,” or Holy Trinity come from pagan philosophy, founded in Babylon and fostered through the Roman church.
Unfortunately, the Protestant churches have continued the pagan work of the Roman Catholic Church and extracted a more biblical Trinity from the pagan Catholic trinity. Nonetheless, still neither our Holy Bible, nor the Apostles, nor Jesus speak of a “trinity.” Even so, the Protestants make a “three-in-one” god from God (The Father), the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Ghost. As stated earlier, in the original pagan trinity the Father is Baal (old Nimrod); the Son is replaced with Semiramis, who acts as intercessor; and Spirit is Tammuz.
From a biblical point of view it is evident, that Jesus and God are not “one-and-the-same-God” at all! The Bible speaks of “the Eternal Father,” and the “only begotten Son,” created by the Father. And the Bible goes on by telling, that Jesus was made equal in appearance to God, but Jesus laid down his equality to do the Father’s will, to sacrifice His life according to the will of the Father. “Who [Jesus] being the brightness of his [Father’s] glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.” (Heb. 1:3.)
Because of His faithfulness in suffering for our sins, Jesus received the same brightness and glory possessed by the Father, and being in the “express” image of the Father, just as Seth was in the image of his father, Adam (Gen. 5:3), he sat down on the right hand of the Father, not the right hand of Himself.
And “Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him. (Heb. 5:8-9.) Notice here that Jesus, the Son, had to LEARN obedience, and then He was MADE perfect. If he was indeed God as portrayed in the Trinity, would He not have already been “perfect,” and not have to learn to be obedient? There is much more that can help explain the TRUE concept of the Godhead, other than the Unholy Trinity dogma, but that is covered in another work.
Mental and Spiritual Conditioning
The basic reason of why the so called Holy Trinity, the Triune God, is so common is because it was part of the human psyche for such a long period of time, said Alexander Hislop in his book, The Two Babylons. He wrote: “While overlaid with idolatry, the recognition of a Trinity was universal in all the ancient nations of the world, proving how deep mated in the human race was the primeval doctrine on this subject, which comes out so distinctly in Genesis.” Among his thought on the subject Hislop expressed the fact that the teachings of the Assyrian, Babylonian, Hindu, and other Trinities are corruptions of the original patriarchal faith.
In modern-day terminology, one might say that the stubbornness in holding to such a false concept is due to generation-after-generation of those believing in such a dogma that in has become part of our DNA structure. However, no matter how one will wrest the scriptures in an attempt to justify that dogma, neither the Bible, nor Jesus or the Apostles talk of a Trinity. Why? Because it is not a true basic Christian tenet.
As proposed above, the modern Christian world has adopted this false Trinitarian idea of God as perpetrated by Roman Catholicism, and not from the Holy Bible. And they are still buying it.
With all their professed scholarship, the general Christian world appears to be, as the Apostle Paul would have put it, “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth,” and “they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” (2 Tim. 3:7, and 4:4 respectfully.) As I read scripture, it appears that man has attempted to define God, not the other way around.
concepts and doctrines have come down through the years from the Babylonian religion. One primary doctrine is that of the mother-son relationship. Semiramis was first to be included in the pagan Trinity as the Mother with the seed of a divine son in her womb. As time passed, however, the father’s position as a god figure was diminished and the center of worship became the image of the mother with the god-incarnate son in her arms. As people were scattered throughout the world after the confounding of the languages, they took the legend that Semiramis had immaculately conceived and given birth to a promised savior of the people — Tammuz — Nimrod reincarnated.
Thus, all through the world, and long before the birth of the Baby Jesus, man began to worship a divine mother and god-child. The legend appears in different cultures, under different names, Ashteroth in Israel {Jeremiah 44:17-19), Isis in Egypt, Indrani in India, Cybelle in Asia, Ceres in Greece, Shing Moo in China, Hertha in Germany, Sisa in Scandanavia, to mention a few. But the archetype and original model was Semiramis, the Queen of Babylon.
In his deified form, Nimrod, the sun god, is known as Baal. Semiramis, as the female divinity, would be called Baalti. This word, later translated into English, means “My Lady,” and in Latin it is “Mea Domina,” which becomes the name “Madonna,” the name by which Mary is often referred.
Tammuz over several centuries merged with Mithra, who then eventually became the divine mediator and Lord of light, truth, integrity, and the god of contracts and solemn oaths. These oaths were then sealed by solemn handshakes. He was also supposed to be the scourge of liars and covenant breakers. This mystery sun-worshiping cult of Mithra was a secret males only religion, while Ishter, the “Queen of Heaven,” and the moon goddess, became a parallel secret cult religion for women.
From Babylon the Madonna
and Child worship spread to Phoenicia under the name of Ashteroth and Tammuz, in Egypt the mother-child cult was known as Isis and Horus, in Greece it became Aphrodite and Eros, and in Rome this pair was worshiped as Venus and cupid.
Idols appeared featuring mother Semiramis and baby Nimrod, prefiguring the Madonna and Child — Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus. The image of the mother with child in her arms became so firmly entrenched in the pagan mind that it was quickly adopted by the Roman Catholic Church after Christianity arrived. And in the same way that the first or prime figure (the father) in the pagan trinities was NOT worshiped by the Babylonians or the Indian Hindus, the Roman Catholic church no longer worships the Father but instead emphasizes worship of the Mother and the Child.
After the decline of Babylon, the religion was transported to Egypt where the people worshiped Isis and her son Osiris (otherwise known as Horus). The same mother and child deities appeared in Pagan Rome as Fortuna and Jupiter, and in Greece as Ceres, the Great Mother, with the babe at her breast, or as Irene, the goddess of Peace, with the boy Plutus in her arms. Further similarities are noted in other cultures: in India, as Isi and Iswara; in Asia, as Cybele and Deoius; in Tibet, in China, and Japan where Hislop says that “Jesuit missionaries were astonished to find the counterpart of Madonna and her child as devoutly worshipped as in Papal Rome itself; Shing Moo, the Holy Mother in China, and a glory around her, exactly as if a Roman Catholic artist had been employed to set her up.” (The Two Babylons, Chapter 2.)
For Christians this dogma became the Virgin Mary and her baby son Jesus. The Christians argue that Semiramis and the other virgin mothers and god-children were all false images designed by Satan to lead people astray when the real thing came along. For the pagans, however, the religious symbols of their time were just as meaningful to them as Mary and Jesus are to the Catholic worshipers today. Nevertheless, the demonic counterfeit of the Madonna and Child was long in place before the real Mother and Child (Mary and Christ Jesus) walked the earth.
Thus began the mother-child Cult which later spread all over the world. From the dispersion at Babel in Genesis 11, we see the Babylon Mystery Religion spread worldwide. Missionaries have been shocked to find “Mother and Child” worship in pagan countries where the Gospel has never been taken. It is, indeed, part of the Babylon Mystery Religion.
Semiramis claimed to be a goddess and became known as the “Queen of Heaven.” Even though she maintained to have given birth to a savior, it was she who was worshiped as the mother of the gods, instead of her son. She also developed the idea that she, as the religious leader, was the only medium to God and heaven. This scenario is strikingly similar to the practices of Roman Catholicism where the Virgin Mary is worshiped as the Mother of God, and prayed to more than the true Savior, Jesus Christ.
There is recorded, in the Book of Jeremiah, where some apostate Jews were worshiping a female figure. The women back then were baking sacrifical cakes to this goddess called the “Queen of Heaven” (Jer. 7 & 44), which was most likely, Astarte, the real name being Semiramis.
“Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me: for I will not hear thee. Seest thou not what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.” (Jer. 7:16-18.)
During their Baal worship, the people of Judah were catering to the Queen of Heaven by making offerings unto her, which provoked the Lord to anger until He told Jeremiah not to even pray for these people, for He would not hear such intercession for them. In Chapter 44, the people declared that they would not stop such worship, but will continue doing as they have done. The consequences is entered in history, as Jeremiah recorded God’s response.
“But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil.” (Jer. 44:17.)
“Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saying; Ye and your wives have both spoken with your mouths, and fulfilled with your hand, saying, We will surely perform our vows that we have vowed, to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her: ye will surely accomplish your vows, and surely perform your vows. Therefore hear ye the word of the LORD,... Behold, I will watch over them for evil, and not for good: and all the men of Judah that are in the land of Egypt shall be consumed by the sword and by the famine, until there be an end of them.” (Jer. 44:25-27.)
The desire of the people of Judah was so strong to worship a female figure, that they brought down the wrath of God; and Biblical and secular history records the results. The author, Duffy-Boose, said that many people seek a religion in which feminine deity play a significant role, and nearly all pagan religions honor both gods and goddesses.
There are many groups of worshipers who focus on revered female figures who aren't usually seen as deity, but who “function as goddesses”; Mary Magdelene, for example, and even Lady Liberty, after which the Statue of Liberty is patterned; have all been the subject of worship in various ways.
Soon after Damasus was made “Supreme Pontiff,” Babylonian rites began to show up more prevalently in the Catholic Church. The worship of the Virgin Mary was established about A. D. 381. Pope Celestine I, AD 422-432, revamped the statue of the pagan goddess, Venus, renaming her Mary; calling her the “Mother of God.” He also renamed a large idol of Jupiter, calling it St. Peter. All of this, of course, thrilled the makers of graven images. Eventually, it was claimed that only the Priests were qualified to read and interpret Jerome’s Latin Vulgate Bible. Consequently, regular members became subservient and superstitious, being ruled over by power-hungry priests, and required to worship a pagan image of Mary. All of this, of course was part of Lucifer’s preparation for a One World Religion to be established during the end times, with him being worshiped as the supreme god.
Mary, the Queen of Heaven of the One World Religion
This false goddess,
the Queen of Heaven, was often represented with 12 stars encircling her head. Not only worshiped throughout the ancient world, but still worshiped all around the globe by pagan religions today, although referred to by various names. The main figure of the European Union is the Babylonian
goddess with 12 stars encircling her head (above). The EU poster (at left) has twelve inverted stars encircling a representation of the Tower of Babel which inverted stars represent the satanic pentagram of the Goat of Mendes (below right), and the flag of the EU is a blue field with a circle of 12 stars (below left).
So, “right in your face,” they are letting us know who is in charge of the European Union — the Roman Catholic Church. The movement has been on for hundreds of years and is now gaining great momentum to bring all the world religions under one head, that of the Roman Pontiff.
or supposed appearances of Mary have been alarmingly on the increase. What is most alarming is the message she espouses during the so-called appearances. Her message is clear, and people of all religions are beguiled by it. In their well documented book, Queen of All, the authors, have irrefutably demonstrated that the goal of these Mary apparitions are for the purpose of bringing together all world religions into one grand ONE WORLD RELIGION.
Whenever Mary appears she is referred to as “Our Lady,” and she appears in virtually every nation of the world. Here is a quote from a Mary apparition in Amsterdam, where she claims to be the “Lady of All Nations”:
“I am the Lady – Mary – Mother of All Nations. You may say, ‘The Lady of All Nations’ or ‘Mother of All Nations,’ who once was Mary. I have come precisely today in order to tell you that I wish to be known as this. Let all the children of men, of all the countries in the world – be one!” (Queen of All, p. 93.)
The apparitions of Mary predicts heavenly signs and wonders that the whole world will soon witness. Consider the following messages received by three separate visionaries as quoted in Queen of All, pp. 5-6:
“My sign is emerging. God wills it thus. Only my children recognize it, as it reveals itself in secrecy, and they praise the Eternal One for it. Today I cannot reveal my power to the whole world. I must withdraw with my children. In secrecy I will perform miracles on the souls until the number of sacrifices has become full. ...Then I can reveal myself to the whole world...”(Germany, 1946.)
“Soon, I will come, my children! Soon, I will be in your midst with a great light. I will enlighten the entire world. Many souls will cry because they did not listen to my call. ...I will come soon, my sons, to travel through the entire world.” (Italy, 1991.) (Compare with Zachariah 5, “Wickedness” who goes forth throughout the entire world.)
“I wish to also tell you that before my apparitions end completely, I shall be seen by every denomination and religion throughout this world. I will be seen among all people, not for just a moment, but everyone will have a chance to see me. As I appeared in Zeitoun, I shall appear again so everyone may see me. Pray and help my plans to be realized, not just here, but throughout the world.” (Maryland, USA, 2004.)
Pastor, Charles Dickson, authored a book entitled, A Protestant Pastor Looks at Mary. In it he explains how Mary worship is transcending our cultural and religious boundaries.
“A Muslim student visiting Rome wants especially to see the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore. Surprised? The poetry of a Syrian mystic is replete with Marian devotion. Surprised? Martin Luther recommended prayer to Mary. Surprised? An American Pentecostalist minister begins to visit shrines of Marian apparitions. Surprised? Muslims refer to Mary as il-Sittneh, or Our Lady. Surprised? A chapter in the Koran is named after her. Surprised? Mary’s deep kindness as a mother is portrayed in Chinese art. Surprised? And now a presbyterian minister has written a book recommending praying the rosary. Still surprised? ... a closer investigation of both past history and current events points out that Mary has a universal appeal that transcends our cultural, geographical, and even religious boundaries.” (A Protestant Pastor Looks at Mary, p. 60; QA, p. 10.)
In the well documented book, Queen of All, the authors state that, “In 2005, Time Magazine featured an image of Mary as The Mother of God on the cover with the title ‘Hail, Mary — Catholics have long revered her, but now Protestants are finding their own reasons to celebrate the mother of Jesus.’” Then the book offers the quote that shows the trend of Protestant churches toward Marian worship: “In a shift whose ideological breadth is unusual in the fragmented Protestant world, a long-standing wall around Mary appears to be eroding.. .Mary is also gaining popularity at Protestant divinity schools, where her icons adorn future pastors’ walls.” The article continues to explain such things as a Methodist church in Chicago that has two Mary images on either side of the altar with “roses at their feet, and hanging from the hands of the baby Jesus is a Rosary.” (Time Magazine, March 21, 2005, pp. 62, 68; QA, p. 11.)
An article in
Time Magazine is commented on by the President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, R. Albert Mohler, Jr. concerning the magazine’s cover story he said, “The Time cover story is part of a larger phenomenon, with many mainline Protestants turning to a reconsideration of Mary and incorporating the veneration of Mary into personal devotions and corporate worship. Some are going so far as to acknowledge Mary as an intercessor, addressing prayers to her as well as to other saints. Surprisingly enough, some Protestants now argue that believers should pray to Mary, and should request her intercession.” (The Christian Post, “Mary for Protestants? A New Look at an Old Question,”; QA, pp. 11-12.)
All of this may seem not only surprising, but shocking to most readers, but yet it is true. Old Satan is out in full force to bring about a change in the worlds religions into ONE, and only ONE, religion in the whole world — his religion. And the medium he is using in that effort, is female worship, Mary worship, a throwback to the Semiramis Queen of Heaven worship.
The late Pope John Paul, II, said about the “universal Church” in his book, The Threshold of Hope, “After my election as Pope, as I became more involved in the problems of the universal Church, I came to have a similar conviction: On this universal level, if victory comes it will be brought by Mary.” (QA, p, 215.)
The Holy Trinity (three-gods-in-one) concept first appeared in ancient Babylon with Nimrod, together with Semiramis and Tammuz. They became the model for the pagan concept of the three-in-one Godhead and following Holy Trinity of Christianity. In truth, it can rightly be termed, the Unholy Trinity.
Down through history these three have became identified with various names. For example, Nimrod has been known as, Abir or Aber, a winged god; Baal, the Babylonian sun god; Bel, Bal or Belus; Buddh of China; Cronus; Janus or Chaos of Rome; Maitreya; Marduk, the snake-dragon god; Moloch, god of death; the great Zeus, son of Cronus and supreme deity of ancient Greece; and identified by the Romans with Jupiter; and the list goes on.

And, the grandest of all, “Queen of Heaven,” by which she has been known and still is known. The Queen of Heaven is the name of the goddess who is slated to be the main worship figure of the new proposed One World Religion that is currently being formed in these last days, of which ALL mankind is expected to become associated. This same female deity, because of her claimed immaculate conception, has also been known as the “Virgin Mother.”
Some of the names of Tammuz are those like, Bacchus, the god of wine; Cupid; Dagon, the fish god; Hercules; Horus and Osiris of Egypt; Ninus; Baal (Reincarnate); Shamash; Uhura Mazda; the White Centaur; and so forth.
Although many are not familiar with the name, Tammuz, the Bible makes mention of him in the Book of Ezekiel. In Chapter 8 the Lord is showing Ezekiel the great abominations of the House of Israel. Concerning one of those abominations he wrote: “He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do. Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD'S house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.” (Ezek.l 8:13-14.) Along with the displaying of images and obelisks, they were worshiping and honoring Tammuz and the Queen of Heaven, as Jeremiah records. (The Jeremiah references we’ll get to shortly.)
Marduk (another name for Nimrod and symbolized by the dragon-snake)


In the Vatican-museum they proudly display and cherish the Crest of the snake-dragon of Marduk which, as was pointed out, is another name for Nimrod. It is also their oldest piece. Roman Emperor Heliogabalus (AD 218-222) introduced the Akitu-festival in honor of Mardruk during his reign in the third Century.
In the Vatican-museum they proudly display and cherish the Crest of the snake-dragon of Marduk which, as was pointed out, is another name for Nimrod. It is also their oldest piece. Roman Emperor Heliogabalus (AD 218-222) introduced the Akitu-festival in honor of Mardruk during his reign in the third Century.
Unholy Trinity Adopted by Christianity
The Trinity is a continuation of the Trinitarian or Triune god system of old Babylon and continue to be espoused by many pagan religions today. Trinitarianism resulted in the Christian church when Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity and allowed all pagans to become Christian.
In that year AD 325, Constantine lead the Council of Nicea in which the fundamental doctrine of the trinity was introduced, and during the council of Constantinople (AD 381) all facets of the trinity had been passed.
(At right:

The unconverted pagans, who were NOT truly converted to Christ at all, brought into the assembly of Christian believers their pagan philosophies and practices. The pagan mind was skilled at “spiritualizing” most everything, and many of the early Church Fathers, such as the so called, St. Augustine, who had actually been a sun worshiper of the Manichaean sect, had all come from this breed of Trinitarianist.
A high percentage of the vast number of pagan cults had their Trinities with three key figures, also. Following is a short list of only a few of those Triune god systems from the past:
BABYLON: Baal, Semiramis, and Tammuz.
EGYPT: Amon Ra, Isis, and Osiris or Horus.
GREECE: Zeus or Apollo, Demeter or Athena, and Porsephene or Nike.
MACEDONIAN and ASIAN: Dagon, Cybele, and Deoius or Janus.
ROME: Deus or Zeus, Venus, and Cupid.
MITHRAIC: Mithras, Rashnu, and Vohu Manah.
MANDAEN: Joshaman, Abatar, and Hibil Ziwa.
MANICHAEAN: Ohrmazd, Maitreya, and Zurvan.
CANAANITE or PHOENICIAN: Baal or Molloch, Asherah or Ishtar, and Rompha.
CHALDEAN and ZOROASTRIAN: Baal or Mithra, Astoreth; and Haoma.
PERSIAN: Shamash, Ishtar, and Sin.
CELTIC: Woden, Freya (Frigga), and Thor.
INDIA: Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu or Krishna.
JAPAN: Shinto religion has the phrase, “San Pao Fuh”, which mens “one deity, three forms.”
Unholy Trinity and Protestantism
The Trinity concept has taken many differing names throughout the centuries, but originally the three names were Nimrod (Father), Semarimus (Mother and Queen of Heaven), and the son, Tammuz (the reincarnated Nimrod).
Since adopting the dogma, Roman Catholicism has twisted Trinitarianism and explains it away so well that Protestantism continued to buy it even after throwing off so many other Papal dogmas. However, the doctrine still remains confusing and illogical while at the same time being rationalized (rational-lies), excused, and hidden behind the cloak of mystery and the misinterpretation of Holy Writ.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is “simply beautiful, and beautifully simple,” as one person put it. “For God is NOT the author of confusion...” (1 Cor. 14:33) Said the Apostle Paul, and Trinitarianism is a false idea which is not scripturally sound, although scripture is wrested in an attempt to prove otherwise. Although true that God the Father, God the son, and God the Holy Ghost are all three gods, the concept that the three separate Gods are only one and comprising the “one true God,” or Holy Trinity come from pagan philosophy, founded in Babylon and fostered through the Roman church.
Unfortunately, the Protestant churches have continued the pagan work of the Roman Catholic Church and extracted a more biblical Trinity from the pagan Catholic trinity. Nonetheless, still neither our Holy Bible, nor the Apostles, nor Jesus speak of a “trinity.” Even so, the Protestants make a “three-in-one” god from God (The Father), the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Ghost. As stated earlier, in the original pagan trinity the Father is Baal (old Nimrod); the Son is replaced with Semiramis, who acts as intercessor; and Spirit is Tammuz.
From a biblical point of view it is evident, that Jesus and God are not “one-and-the-same-God” at all! The Bible speaks of “the Eternal Father,” and the “only begotten Son,” created by the Father. And the Bible goes on by telling, that Jesus was made equal in appearance to God, but Jesus laid down his equality to do the Father’s will, to sacrifice His life according to the will of the Father. “Who [Jesus] being the brightness of his [Father’s] glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.” (Heb. 1:3.)
Because of His faithfulness in suffering for our sins, Jesus received the same brightness and glory possessed by the Father, and being in the “express” image of the Father, just as Seth was in the image of his father, Adam (Gen. 5:3), he sat down on the right hand of the Father, not the right hand of Himself.
And “Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him. (Heb. 5:8-9.) Notice here that Jesus, the Son, had to LEARN obedience, and then He was MADE perfect. If he was indeed God as portrayed in the Trinity, would He not have already been “perfect,” and not have to learn to be obedient? There is much more that can help explain the TRUE concept of the Godhead, other than the Unholy Trinity dogma, but that is covered in another work.
Mental and Spiritual Conditioning
The basic reason of why the so called Holy Trinity, the Triune God, is so common is because it was part of the human psyche for such a long period of time, said Alexander Hislop in his book, The Two Babylons. He wrote: “While overlaid with idolatry, the recognition of a Trinity was universal in all the ancient nations of the world, proving how deep mated in the human race was the primeval doctrine on this subject, which comes out so distinctly in Genesis.” Among his thought on the subject Hislop expressed the fact that the teachings of the Assyrian, Babylonian, Hindu, and other Trinities are corruptions of the original patriarchal faith.
In modern-day terminology, one might say that the stubbornness in holding to such a false concept is due to generation-after-generation of those believing in such a dogma that in has become part of our DNA structure. However, no matter how one will wrest the scriptures in an attempt to justify that dogma, neither the Bible, nor Jesus or the Apostles talk of a Trinity. Why? Because it is not a true basic Christian tenet.
As proposed above, the modern Christian world has adopted this false Trinitarian idea of God as perpetrated by Roman Catholicism, and not from the Holy Bible. And they are still buying it.
With all their professed scholarship, the general Christian world appears to be, as the Apostle Paul would have put it, “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth,” and “they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” (2 Tim. 3:7, and 4:4 respectfully.) As I read scripture, it appears that man has attempted to define God, not the other way around.
Madonna and Child
Many religious
Thus, all through the world, and long before the birth of the Baby Jesus, man began to worship a divine mother and god-child. The legend appears in different cultures, under different names, Ashteroth in Israel {Jeremiah 44:17-19), Isis in Egypt, Indrani in India, Cybelle in Asia, Ceres in Greece, Shing Moo in China, Hertha in Germany, Sisa in Scandanavia, to mention a few. But the archetype and original model was Semiramis, the Queen of Babylon.
In his deified form, Nimrod, the sun god, is known as Baal. Semiramis, as the female divinity, would be called Baalti. This word, later translated into English, means “My Lady,” and in Latin it is “Mea Domina,” which becomes the name “Madonna,” the name by which Mary is often referred.
Tammuz over several centuries merged with Mithra, who then eventually became the divine mediator and Lord of light, truth, integrity, and the god of contracts and solemn oaths. These oaths were then sealed by solemn handshakes. He was also supposed to be the scourge of liars and covenant breakers. This mystery sun-worshiping cult of Mithra was a secret males only religion, while Ishter, the “Queen of Heaven,” and the moon goddess, became a parallel secret cult religion for women.
From Babylon the Madonna

Idols appeared featuring mother Semiramis and baby Nimrod, prefiguring the Madonna and Child — Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus. The image of the mother with child in her arms became so firmly entrenched in the pagan mind that it was quickly adopted by the Roman Catholic Church after Christianity arrived. And in the same way that the first or prime figure (the father) in the pagan trinities was NOT worshiped by the Babylonians or the Indian Hindus, the Roman Catholic church no longer worships the Father but instead emphasizes worship of the Mother and the Child.
After the decline of Babylon, the religion was transported to Egypt where the people worshiped Isis and her son Osiris (otherwise known as Horus). The same mother and child deities appeared in Pagan Rome as Fortuna and Jupiter, and in Greece as Ceres, the Great Mother, with the babe at her breast, or as Irene, the goddess of Peace, with the boy Plutus in her arms. Further similarities are noted in other cultures: in India, as Isi and Iswara; in Asia, as Cybele and Deoius; in Tibet, in China, and Japan where Hislop says that “Jesuit missionaries were astonished to find the counterpart of Madonna and her child as devoutly worshipped as in Papal Rome itself; Shing Moo, the Holy Mother in China, and a glory around her, exactly as if a Roman Catholic artist had been employed to set her up.” (The Two Babylons, Chapter 2.)
For Christians this dogma became the Virgin Mary and her baby son Jesus. The Christians argue that Semiramis and the other virgin mothers and god-children were all false images designed by Satan to lead people astray when the real thing came along. For the pagans, however, the religious symbols of their time were just as meaningful to them as Mary and Jesus are to the Catholic worshipers today. Nevertheless, the demonic counterfeit of the Madonna and Child was long in place before the real Mother and Child (Mary and Christ Jesus) walked the earth.
Thus began the mother-child Cult which later spread all over the world. From the dispersion at Babel in Genesis 11, we see the Babylon Mystery Religion spread worldwide. Missionaries have been shocked to find “Mother and Child” worship in pagan countries where the Gospel has never been taken. It is, indeed, part of the Babylon Mystery Religion.
Mary and Female Worship
As stated earlier,
There is recorded, in the Book of Jeremiah, where some apostate Jews were worshiping a female figure. The women back then were baking sacrifical cakes to this goddess called the “Queen of Heaven” (Jer. 7 & 44), which was most likely, Astarte, the real name being Semiramis.
“Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me: for I will not hear thee. Seest thou not what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.” (Jer. 7:16-18.)
During their Baal worship, the people of Judah were catering to the Queen of Heaven by making offerings unto her, which provoked the Lord to anger until He told Jeremiah not to even pray for these people, for He would not hear such intercession for them. In Chapter 44, the people declared that they would not stop such worship, but will continue doing as they have done. The consequences is entered in history, as Jeremiah recorded God’s response.
“But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil.” (Jer. 44:17.)
“Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saying; Ye and your wives have both spoken with your mouths, and fulfilled with your hand, saying, We will surely perform our vows that we have vowed, to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her: ye will surely accomplish your vows, and surely perform your vows. Therefore hear ye the word of the LORD,... Behold, I will watch over them for evil, and not for good: and all the men of Judah that are in the land of Egypt shall be consumed by the sword and by the famine, until there be an end of them.” (Jer. 44:25-27.)
The desire of the people of Judah was so strong to worship a female figure, that they brought down the wrath of God; and Biblical and secular history records the results. The author, Duffy-Boose, said that many people seek a religion in which feminine deity play a significant role, and nearly all pagan religions honor both gods and goddesses.
There are many groups of worshipers who focus on revered female figures who aren't usually seen as deity, but who “function as goddesses”; Mary Magdelene, for example, and even Lady Liberty, after which the Statue of Liberty is patterned; have all been the subject of worship in various ways.
Soon after Damasus was made “Supreme Pontiff,” Babylonian rites began to show up more prevalently in the Catholic Church. The worship of the Virgin Mary was established about A. D. 381. Pope Celestine I, AD 422-432, revamped the statue of the pagan goddess, Venus, renaming her Mary; calling her the “Mother of God.” He also renamed a large idol of Jupiter, calling it St. Peter. All of this, of course, thrilled the makers of graven images. Eventually, it was claimed that only the Priests were qualified to read and interpret Jerome’s Latin Vulgate Bible. Consequently, regular members became subservient and superstitious, being ruled over by power-hungry priests, and required to worship a pagan image of Mary. All of this, of course was part of Lucifer’s preparation for a One World Religion to be established during the end times, with him being worshiped as the supreme god.
Mary, the Queen of Heaven of the One World Religion
This false goddess,




Whenever Mary appears she is referred to as “Our Lady,” and she appears in virtually every nation of the world. Here is a quote from a Mary apparition in Amsterdam, where she claims to be the “Lady of All Nations”:
“I am the Lady – Mary – Mother of All Nations. You may say, ‘The Lady of All Nations’ or ‘Mother of All Nations,’ who once was Mary. I have come precisely today in order to tell you that I wish to be known as this. Let all the children of men, of all the countries in the world – be one!” (Queen of All, p. 93.)
The apparitions of Mary predicts heavenly signs and wonders that the whole world will soon witness. Consider the following messages received by three separate visionaries as quoted in Queen of All, pp. 5-6:
“My sign is emerging. God wills it thus. Only my children recognize it, as it reveals itself in secrecy, and they praise the Eternal One for it. Today I cannot reveal my power to the whole world. I must withdraw with my children. In secrecy I will perform miracles on the souls until the number of sacrifices has become full. ...Then I can reveal myself to the whole world...”(Germany, 1946.)
“Soon, I will come, my children! Soon, I will be in your midst with a great light. I will enlighten the entire world. Many souls will cry because they did not listen to my call. ...I will come soon, my sons, to travel through the entire world.” (Italy, 1991.) (Compare with Zachariah 5, “Wickedness” who goes forth throughout the entire world.)
“I wish to also tell you that before my apparitions end completely, I shall be seen by every denomination and religion throughout this world. I will be seen among all people, not for just a moment, but everyone will have a chance to see me. As I appeared in Zeitoun, I shall appear again so everyone may see me. Pray and help my plans to be realized, not just here, but throughout the world.” (Maryland, USA, 2004.)
Pastor, Charles Dickson, authored a book entitled, A Protestant Pastor Looks at Mary. In it he explains how Mary worship is transcending our cultural and religious boundaries.
“A Muslim student visiting Rome wants especially to see the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore. Surprised? The poetry of a Syrian mystic is replete with Marian devotion. Surprised? Martin Luther recommended prayer to Mary. Surprised? An American Pentecostalist minister begins to visit shrines of Marian apparitions. Surprised? Muslims refer to Mary as il-Sittneh, or Our Lady. Surprised? A chapter in the Koran is named after her. Surprised? Mary’s deep kindness as a mother is portrayed in Chinese art. Surprised? And now a presbyterian minister has written a book recommending praying the rosary. Still surprised? ... a closer investigation of both past history and current events points out that Mary has a universal appeal that transcends our cultural, geographical, and even religious boundaries.” (A Protestant Pastor Looks at Mary, p. 60; QA, p. 10.)
In the well documented book, Queen of All, the authors state that, “In 2005, Time Magazine featured an image of Mary as The Mother of God on the cover with the title ‘Hail, Mary — Catholics have long revered her, but now Protestants are finding their own reasons to celebrate the mother of Jesus.’” Then the book offers the quote that shows the trend of Protestant churches toward Marian worship: “In a shift whose ideological breadth is unusual in the fragmented Protestant world, a long-standing wall around Mary appears to be eroding.. .Mary is also gaining popularity at Protestant divinity schools, where her icons adorn future pastors’ walls.” The article continues to explain such things as a Methodist church in Chicago that has two Mary images on either side of the altar with “roses at their feet, and hanging from the hands of the baby Jesus is a Rosary.” (Time Magazine, March 21, 2005, pp. 62, 68; QA, p. 11.)
An article in

All of this may seem not only surprising, but shocking to most readers, but yet it is true. Old Satan is out in full force to bring about a change in the worlds religions into ONE, and only ONE, religion in the whole world — his religion. And the medium he is using in that effort, is female worship, Mary worship, a throwback to the Semiramis Queen of Heaven worship.
The late Pope John Paul, II, said about the “universal Church” in his book, The Threshold of Hope, “After my election as Pope, as I became more involved in the problems of the universal Church, I came to have a similar conviction: On this universal level, if victory comes it will be brought by Mary.” (QA, p, 215.)
This “universal” religion (universal, meaning Catholic) is designed, under the direction of the Papacy, to be the religion of the future New World Order; and this new one world government is slated to be the empire which will enforce Satan’s religion upon all people.
The Mass
The mass can be traced back into the Chaldean mysteries of Nimrod and Semiramis, and old Babylon. The object of the mysteries was to obligate all mankind to blind and absolute submission to the priestly hierarchy, and total dependence upon the sovereigns of Babylon. The success of it was dependant upon sneakiness and secrecy, and all knowledge, both sacred and profane, were to be monopolized by the priesthood.The sacrifice represented in the mass is from the “unbloody sacrifice” of Venus. Tacitus, the Roman historian, says, “No blood was allowed to be offered on the altars of the erotic Venus. Its victims were used for the purpose of the ‘Haruspex’ but the altars were required to be kept pure from blood.” In ancient Rome, the Haruspex, who were the inspector of entrails, was of a lesser class of priests who professed to foretell the future by interpreting the entrails of the victim.
Now, the goddess queen of Babylon differs from her son, who was worshiped in her arms. He was represented as delighting in blood. She, on the other hand, was represented as the mother of Grace and Mercy, as the “Celestial Dove,” and as the Hope of the world. She was supposed to have been averse to blood and was depicted as a good and gentle character. Accordingly, one of the names she bore in Babylon was that of Mylitta, the “Mediatrix.” Modern Rome has bestowed the modern Mary with the same name, “Mediatrix.” However, I Timothy 2:5 says, “For there is one God , and one mediator between God and Men, the MAN CHRIST JESUS;” it doesn’t say “mediatrix” nor any woman by any name.
Now we can see how and why modern Rome represents Christ, the meek and lowly lamb of God who gives rest to the heavy laden, whose burden is light and who gives rest to the soul, the one full of grace and truth (Matt. 11:28-30; John 1:14-17), as a stern and hard judge before whom sinners are to grovel in the dust and never be sure of being heard. While at the same time, Mary is put in the most winning and engaging light. One Ligvori (1696-1787) tells his readers that sinners that venture to come directly to Christ may come with dread and apprehension of His wrath. “Let him only employ the mediation of the virgin with her son. She has only to show the son ‘the breast that gave him suck’ and his wrath will be immediately appeased.” Certainly that could not come from Luke 11:27-28.
Many pagan myths have a similar story. For example: in Hindu mythology, there is the god Siva and his wife Kali. When that god appeared as a little child we have an exact parallel. Siva “appeared as an infant in a cemetery, surrounded by ghosts, and on beholding him, Kali (his wife) took him up, and, caressing him, gave him her breast. He sucked the nectareous fluid; but becoming angry. In order to divert and pacify him, Kali clasping him to her bosom, danced with her attendant goblins and demons amongst the dead, until he was pleased and delighted.” It’s interesting that this son was thought to be the reincarnation of the husband, as Tammuz was a reincarnation of Nimrod.
When early Babylon started to die out, and Egypt acquired the religion of Babylon, Egyptian priests imprinted the initials of Nimrod, Semiramis, and her son, Tammuz on the wafer-cakes which were then eaten as the priest placed the wafer on the tongue of the worshiper in a religious ceremony called the Mass. In Egypt, Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz were known as Isis, Horus, and Seb, or Set. Thus, IHS


The god whom Isis brought forth, and who was offered to her under the symbol of the round wafer cake as “the bread of life,” was in reality the fierce and scorching Sun, the terrible Moloch. Yet in that offering, all that was fearful and repulsive in him was shrouded in mystery. In the symbol of the round wafer cake, he is offered up to the kindly Mother, who tempers harsh judgment with tender mercy, and to whom all spiritual blessings are ultimately referred. And, blessed by that mother, he is given back to be feasted upon as the “bread of life” to the nourishment of her worshipers souls. Thus, the Mother was held up as the favorite divinity as she still is today. Consequently, the Queen of Rome, as the “Mother of grace and mercy,” eclipses her son in these attributes.
In the fourth century, when Mary was beginning to be worshiped in the Christian church, the unbloody sacrifice was introduced. When Osiris, the son god, became reincarnated and was born (as the case is with pagan mythology), it was not merely to give his life as a sacrifice for men, but that he might also BE life and nourishment of men's souls. The sacrament, or round wafer disk, represents the sun god, the symbol of Baal. The mass means “dismissal,” hence the dismissal of sins through the unbloody sacrifice.
The wafer cake of bread is called the Eucharist. In the celebration of the mass the priests are supposed to be invested with the miraculous power to transform a piece of bread into the very body of Christ, and the wine into His blood. The changing of one substance into another is called “transubstantiation.” Hence, the elements of bread and wine being changed into the literal body and blood of Christ constitutes the unbloody sacrifice of the sun goddess and not the Lord’s supper. This transubstantiation is represented as a “continuing sacrifice,” worshiped as though it were God Himself being sacrifices all over again.
According to Martin A. Larson, in his, The Story of Christian Origins, the words Peter (rock) and mass (sacrament) have significance in Mithraism. Mithraic adherents participated in a similar type of sacrament of wine and a bread wafer, called a “Black Mass.” In memory of Mithra, worshipers partook of a sacramental meal of bread marked with a cross on the top of it. This bread and wine meal is one of the seven Mithraic sacraments which was introduced as Catholicism’s “seven sacraments” called, in Latin, the missa, or Mass. Tradition has it that Mithra had his “last supper” with his twelve disciples, each one representing one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The Mandaeans also had “seven sacraments” in their pagan religion; among which were Holy Matrimony, the Eucharist sun-disc bread wafer, Confession, Holy Orders, and the Mass of the Dead.
This transubstantiation, the pretended changing of the bread and wine into the “literal” flesh and blood of Jesus, is nothing but “cannibalism.” His offering of bread and wine at the last supper was only a symbolic memorial, not a sacrifice, nor cannibalistic. He instructed His disciples to symbolically take bread and wine in “remembrance” of the sacrifice He was about to make. (Luke 22:19; 1 Cor. 11:24.)
This unholy transubstantiation is not the crucifying of Christ afresh, but the unbloody sacrifice that is implied in the mass that dismisses a man’s sins.The blasphemy of the celebration of the mass is that men can have their sins dismissed or pardoned with a bloodless sacrifice, which is directly contrary to scripture. This whole idea, of course, flies in the face of Hebrews 9:13-15 and 22.
In Egypt, as with modern day Catholicism, the small thin round disk, with either the IHS or a cross stamped upon it, symbolized the sun god, Mithra. What is interesting, many Christian churches still have this religious symbol of “IHS” on their church furniture, but have no idea of what it stands for.
Purgatory, a doctrine of the supposed "Mother Church” of Roman Catholicism, is supposed to be a place where souls go and suffer torture for a time before they enter into heaven; but what of its origin? Again, we can go all the way back to ancient Babylon for that answer.Semiramis claimed her “mystery religion” possessed the highest wisdom and revealed “divine” secrets, and that members of her religion would be the only ones to enter heaven after completing a series of religious rituals beginning with sprinkling of water by the Babylonian Priest and ending with prayers for the dead. These became known as “Sacraments.” However, they taught that followers did not immediately enter heaven at death, but went to an intermediate place known as Purgatory.
The false doctrine of Purgatory held family and friends close and faithful to their Babylonian Priesthood, who were the only ones who could assure their loved one could move out of Purgatory into heaven. But a fee of some sort to that Priesthood, such as money or property, would help get their loved one out of Purgatory faster. The more money or goods “donated” to the Priesthood, the sooner the release from Purgatory. The “burning of candles,” and “prayers for the dead,” also helped free the dead from Purgatory. In his book, The Two Babylons, Alexander Hislop addressed this subject as it applied to Egypt. In Chapter Four he said:
“In Egypt, substantially the same doctrine of purgatory was inculcated. But when once this doctrine of purgatory was admitted into the popular mind, then the door was opened for all manner of priestly extortions. Prayers for the dead ever go hand in hand with interposition of the priests; and no priestly functions can be rendered unless there be special pay for them. Therefore, in every land we find the Pagan priesthood ‘devouring widows’ houses,’ and making merchandise of the tender feelings of sorrowing relatives, sensitively alive to the immortal happiness of the beloved dead. ... In Egypt the exactions of the priests for funeral dues and masses for the dead were far from being trifling.”
Wilkinson, an historian, noted a similar thing concerning the same thing in Egypt: “The priests induced the people to expend large sums on the celebration of funeral rites; and many who had barely sufficient to obtain the necessaries of life were anxious to save something for the expenses of their dead.” (Wilkinson, vol. 2:94; TTB, p. 169.)
This practice which began in the old Babylonian Religion, and carried over in Egypt, extended into Greece, Rome, and the eastern countries such as India, where it is said that “donations of cattle, land, gold, silver, and other things,” should be made by the man himself at the approach of death; or, “if he be too weak, by another in his name.” (Asiatic Researches, 7:239-240; TTB, p. 168.)
Of course this belief in Purgatory, coming down through the old Roman Empire’s Pagan religions, has been carried down into the Roman Catholic Church, and is known as “Indulgences.” Part of these indulgences, is that a special mass can be said for those in Purgatory. Of course, BIG “donations” to the Priesthood are required for such an event, but it will assure the dead a quicker transition from Purgatory to heaven.
An ex-Catholic Priest, Charles Chiniquy addressed this issue of Purgatory in one of his books entitled, The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional. On page forty-five he tells of a woman who had thrown herself into a river, from which her body was not recovered. About this event he said”
“Many public and private prayers were offered to God to help her escape from the flames of Purgatory, where she might be condemned to suffer for many years, and much money was given to the priest to sing high masses, in order to extinguish the fires of that burning prison, where every Roman Catholic believes he must go to be purified before entering the regions of eternal happiness.
“This practice is without a single justification or example from scripture. It was against these indulgences, along with many other practices of that church, Martin Luther fought. It is the culmination of the compounding of error consistently perpetrated by the Vatican that conned previous generations, along with the new, into accepting as truth what in reality is a deceitful devilish lie, with one of its purposes being to enlarge the Vatican treasury.
“Needless to say, the doctrine and practice of Purgatory has been a lie from the start and instigated for the continual betterment of the Church of Rome’s finances; a subtle way of “coughing up for the coffers,” one might say; echoing back to the money changers in the temple.
“The Roman Catholic Church has decreed all manner of ways to boost its image, power and control over its people. The burning of candles and prayers for the dead were said to increase the personal supply of grace, and earned an indulgence which spared the dead from a specified number of days in Purgatory. Of course we know the gift of grace is free and given of God to those who will accept it.
“What was it Jesus said to the thief on the cross? The words, ‘Today thou shalt be with me in paradise’ (Luke 23:43), clearly shows that at his death one would NOT go to such a place as Purgatory. A short while later before He breathed his last, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ The work of redemption, which he came to perform, has been accomplished, finished, not partially, but completely.
“But the Roman

“A religion bound by the chains of Vatican-made dogmas and rituals nullify any gift of God’s grace people could have received. The doctrine of Purgatory makes death a nightmare for Roman Catholics as not only their emotions and spirits are drained, but their bank accounts, as well.
Closing Thought
All of this past history, of course, echos back as a type and a foreshadowing of things that were to come — when the whole world is to worship a female as the Queen of Heaven, Semiramis, who was part of the first Trinity. She was also the original Madonna, who had her adherents believed that she, alone, could administer salvation to the sinner through various sacraments, such as bowing the knee to her, the lighting of candles, the ringing of bells, the sprinkling of holy water, the paying indulgences, and the like. And what is sad, but true, is that eventually, if exposed enough to falsehoods, people are willing to defend what they have not investigated, and accept as gospel all manner of falsehoods.