Study 9:
The Assassination of Two U. S. Presidents
The Assassination of Two U. S. Presidents
As Presidents of the United States, both men, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy, had something in common that helped precipitate their deaths. Coincidence?
Melvin Sickler, authority on the death of both Presidents, and from whose work some of this study is gleaned, had these questions: Why assassinate a President? Why must everything be kept so covered up? What are they trying to hide from the American people?
I wish we had the time and the room to illustrate all the details of how the Vatican Jesuits were the real cause of the assassination of both Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy, but we do not. Hopefully, this study will help shed a little light upon the subject, and provide a few answers to the above questions.
First, let’s consider the assassination of the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, and mention three main reasons why the Jesuits hated him and wanted to see him out of the way.
Lincoln and the Bankers
During the Civil
War (1861-1865), President Lincoln needed money to finance that war. The Bankers were going to charge him 24 to 36% interest. The President was horrified, and would not think of plunging his country into a debt that would be near impossible to repay.
Lincoln was advised to get Congress to pass a law authorizing the printing of full legal-tender Treasury notes to pay for the War effort. Recognizing the great benefits of this type of money issue, he wrote: “... (we) gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they have ever had – their own paper money to pay their own debts...”
The U.S. Treasury notes were printed with green ink on the back, so the people called them “Greenbacks.” Lincoln printed over $400 million worth of Greenbacks ($449,338,902, to be exact); money created to be debt-free and interest-free. The Greenbacks were used for paying the soldiers, for U.S. Civil Service employees, for war supplies, and for legal-tender for all debts public and private.
Great Britain was a Banking nation, and for years the world’s largest banking concern, the Rothschilds of London, had been trying to establish another National Bank within the U.S., but with no success. (See the study entitled, The Evils of Banking, for a better understanding about the First National Bank of the U.S., and Banking in general.) Because of Rothschild’s control of British banking, The London Times printed the following:
“If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”
The Bankers obviously understood. The only thing that is a threat to their power are sovereign governments printing interest and debt-free paper money. They knew it would destroy the power of the international bankers. So the British Government, which was controlled by banks, moved to support the Confederate South, hoping to destroy this government and its new money system, which they said had to go. However, they were stopped by two things.
First, Lincoln knew the British people, and he knew that Britain would not support slavery, so he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, abolishing slavery. At this point, the London Bankers could not openly support the Confederacy because the British people would not stand for their country supporting slavery.
Second, the Czar of Russia sent a portion of the Russian navy to the United States with orders that its admiral would operate under the command of Abraham Lincoln. These Russian navy ships became a threat to the British navy, which had intended to break the blockade and help the South. Of course, the Union was preserved as the North won the War.
The Bankers were determined to put an end to Lincoln’s interest-free, debt-free U.S. Treasury Greenbacks. The Papacy, along with their Jesuit cohorts, the real power behind the banks, and the major supporter of the Southern States during the War, sent their agents to accomplish the nasty deed at Ford’s Theater.
Very shortly after the War, President Andrew Johnson, along with Congress, revoked the Greenback Law and enacted, in its place, the National Banking Act. The national banks were to be privately owned, and the bank notes they issued were to be interest bearing. The Act also ordered that the Greenbacks should be retired from circulation.
As an interesting side note: In 1972, the United States Treasury Department was asked to compute the amount of interest that would have been paid if Lincoln’s $449,338,902 (to help pay for the Civil War effort) had been borrowed from the bankers, at the current interest rate of the times, instead of issuing the Greenback Treasury Bills. They did some computations, and the U.S. Treasury Department said the United States Government saved $4 BILLION in interest because Lincoln had created the nation’s own money. So one can imagine how much our U.S. Government HAS paid and how much we STILL OWE solely on the basis of interest, seeing that we are over $11 TRILLION in debt to the Federal Reserve. So it’s not hard to imagine why the bankers hated Lincoln so much.
Father Charles Chiniquy
The Greenback
was only one problem the Vatican Jesuits had with Abraham Lincoln. The Catholic Priest, Father Charles Chiniquy, became one of Lincoln’s closest allies during the Civil War, due to the fact that Lincoln, as a lawyer, helped save Chiniquy from the clutches of the Papacy. On that subject, we will consider but a few words.
Because of Chiniquy’s moral values that would not bend to the immoral corruption of the Catholic Church, which he tried to serve in a Christ-like manner, and because of the evil he saw exhibited within that Church, which he often denounced during his years of priestly service, local Bishops of the Canadian and American arms of the Church tried to ruin him, and on one particular occasion took him to court in Urbana, Illinois.
Father Chiniquy, not able to get his witnesses to Urbana, felt alone in the fight until he was told that there was only one lawyer that might be able to help him, and his name was Abraham Lincoln. On May 19, 1856, Chiniquy met Lincoln. Sometime afterwards, Chiniquy said that “it was impossible to talk with him for five minutes without loving him. There was such an expression of kindness and honesty in his face,” and that “Lincoln was one of the noblest men heaven had ever given to earth.” (The Big Betrayal, pp. 41, 44.)
Lincoln told Father Chiniquy that he was already familiar with the case, having followed it in the newspapers, and knew Chiniquy as a strict opponent of the tyranny of the Bishops of the Roman Church. Lincoln told Chiniquy, “Your enemies are devils in flesh. Their plot against you was the most hellish I’ve ever known.” (Ibid, p. 47.)
After Lincoln won the case for the Priest, Chiniquy was fearful for what it might cost Abraham Lincoln. Father Quiniquy told Lincoln, “Sitting in the crowd of that trial, were twelve Jesuit priests from Chicago and St. Louis who came to hear me being sentenced to prison. Nothing can describe the rage on their faces when you wrenched me from their cruel hands ... and then made the court house tremble when you exposed the diabolical plot to destroy me. What I saw in their eyes was your death sentence.”
Upon hearing that, Lincoln said, “I know the Jesuits never forget nor forsake. But a man must not care how and where he dies, provided he dies at the post of honor and duty.” (Ibid, p. 47-48.)
The Secret Treaty of Verona
Let’s begin with a quote from Burke McCarty, an Ex-Romanist. His book, The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (first published in 1924) is so knowledgeable, well written, and documented that it should leave the reader with no doubt as to the author’s credibility in reporting the incident and the details surrounding that assassination. In the quote below, mention is made of the Secret Treaty of Verona. But, first, there needs to be a brief explanation of that treaty.
This treaty of Verona, October 1822, was a pact entered into by very high officials of the former Congress of Vienna, Austria; these high secret sessions were held during the years of 1814-1815. Simultaneously, in 1814, Pope Pius VII restored the infamous Jesuit Order, which had been abolished by Pope Clement XIV in July of 1773. With the restoration of this Jesuit Order, the fulfillment of the Secret Treaty of Verona was placed in their care.
The Congress of Vienna was a black conspiracy against popular Governments, meaning government without a king. At its close, the high contracting parties announced that they had formed a “Holy alliance.” This was a cloak under which they hid to deceive the people. The particular business of the Congress of Verona was the RATIFICATION of Article Six of the Congress of Vienna, which was a promise to prevent or destroy popular Governments wherever found, and to re-establish monarchs where there were none. The death of President Lincoln was the culmination of but one step in the attempt to carry out the Secret Treaty of Verona. Now for Burke McCarty’s quote:
“... I will leave it to my reader to decide whether I have proven my contention in the beginning of this book that the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and four other presidents [James A. Garfield, William McKinley, Zachary Taylor, Warren G. Harding] is but a part of the great conspiracy which was outlined in the Secret Treaty of Verona to destroy this the most formidable Republic.
“That the execution of this conspiracy in Lincoln’s case, was delegated by the Pope of Rome to the Jesuits aided and abetted by the priests of Canada and Washington, D.C., in the United States and their lay agents, the Leopoldines.
“That instead of the use of bullets and bayonets, their method has been and is still, to destroy from within by the subversion of all of the free institutions upon which this Republic is based.
“That the church of Rome has established a separate citizenship to promote its teachings and by its enormous wealth a large proportion of which has been obtained by unconstitutional and illegal appropriations from public funds; that with this wealth (over two and a half billion dollars worth of church and other religious property, for the most part exempt from taxation) it has by a system of intimidation and bribery corrupted our free press and is in control of every avenue of publicity, so that the American people remain in almost total ignorance of its pernicious activities, which, if not curbed, will succeed in accomplishing its object in these United States.
“... Also remember that Pius IXth stands for just what all popes have stood for. That he stands against everything ... Americanism represents. Solution — ‘Put only Americans on guard.’” (The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, by Burke McCarty, Ex-Romanist, 1924; Republished by Larry Harrison, 9066 Knickerbocker, St. John, Indiana 46373, 1999; pp. 260-61.)
To the right
is a photo of Burke McCarty’s shocking book, The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, (1924), which presents a factual analysis of a crucial period in American history and the malicious methods which struck down the great President Abraham Lincoln. The re-publisher of this book, Thomas M. Harris states:
“Nowhere else can be found, in one small volume, the connected presentation of the story leading up to the death of President Abraham Lincoln and those responsible for bringing about his assassination. In all the history of political assassination plots by the enemies of freedom, nothing can exceed the cruel murder of this great American for cold calculation, relentless pursuit, subtle cunning and cowardly execution. This amazing book brings to the light of day a great deal of information which is of vital importance at this time. That papal Rome was responsible for the assassination of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln no doubt seems to most people a rather far-fetched allegation. Nevertheless, in this fascinating book you will see evidence that leaves little doubt that the allegation is in fact true. While pope Pius IX didn’t personally pull the trigger, several of the conspirators were not merely Roman ‘Catholics’, but were schooled by the Vatican-based secret society known as the Jesuits who have long been advocates of regicide (assassination of rulers). The southern confederacy was linked heart and soul with popery and the pope - both shortly before and after the Lincoln assassination - made public pronouncements that were fiercely in opposition to protestant American constitutional liberty, and in favor of slavery.”
The book quoted from above has been reprinted along with another book about this same assassination, entitled, Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, by Thomas M. Harris. And the book by ex-Catholic Priest, Charles Chiniquy, 50 Years in the “Church” of Rome, among other revelations, reveals his friendship with Lincoln, and testifies of how it was that the Jesuits were behind that assassination.
Some years after warning Lincoln of the threat to his life, Charles Chiniquy had a chance to meet with him again. Upon that meeting Chiniquy records that the President said, “I am so glad to meet you again, you see that your friends, the Jesuits, have not yet killed me. But they would have surely done it when I passed through their most devoted city, Baltimore, had I not passed by incognito a few hours before they expected me. We have proof that the company which had been selected and organized to murder me was led by a rabid Roman Catholic, called Byrne; it was almost entirely composed of Roman Catholics; more than that, there were two disguised priests among them...” (Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, Chick pub., p. 292.)
At another time Chiniquy had opportunity to warn the President of an impending threat. At that time he said to Lincoln:
“My dear president, I must repeat what I said at Urbana in 1856. I fear you will fall under the blows of a Jesuit assassin if you do not pay more attention to protect yourself. Remember that because Coligny was an heretic, as you are, he was brutally murdered in the St. Bartholomew night; that Henry IV was stabbed by the Jesuit assassin, Revaillac, the 14th of May, 1610, for having given liberty of conscience to his people; and that William the Taciturn was shot dead by another Jesuit murderer, called Girard, for having broken the yoke of the pope. The Church of Rome is absolutely the same and does believe and teach today, as then, that she has the right and duty to punish by death any heretic who is an obstacle to her designs.
“The Catholic hierarchy of the United States is on the side of the rebels as incontrovertible evidence that Rome wants to destroy this republic. You are, by your personal virtues, your popularity, your love for liberty, your position, the greatest obstacle to their diabolical schemes. Their hatred is concentrated upon you. My blood chills when I contemplate the day when Rome will add to all her other iniquities the murder of Abraham Lincoln.” (Ibid, pp. 293-294.)
The Popery and the U.S. Civil War
In his book, Charles Chiniquy often recites President Lincoln’s comments concerning the Jesuits’ involvement in the war. At one time Chiniquy quoted Lincoln, who said,
“This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor any of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholics, even the arms of France, were at their disposal, if they would attack us. I pity the priests, the bishops and the monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the blood shed in this war. I conceal what I know, for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides.” (Ibid, pp. 296-297.)
Actor John Wilkes Booth and Company
Volumes have been written about the Lincoln assassination, but few are aware of the real culprits behind that act of villainy. Yes, “actor” John Wilkes Booth did shoot the President, but did you know he, and his co-conspirators, were devout Roman Catholics “acting” under orders of the Jesuits?
John Wilkes Booth, a theater actor, was not born a Roman Catholic, but by 1860 he had began to convert to that religion. In 1860, he was initiated into the Knights of the Golden Circle, a Catholic lay organization. The Knights of the Golden Circle “were committed to the preservation of slavery in the lands bordering the Caribbean Sea – the so-called ‘Golden Circle.’ The seal of the Knights featured a cross similar to the Maltese cross used by the old Knights of Malta.” The following excerpt is from a letter written by Booth to an unknown person, quite possibly a Catholic Priest or a Jesuit ally.
“Dear Sir: The K.G.C. had a meeting; I was initiated. ‘The die is cast and I have crossed the Rubicon’ and can never return. They tell me that Lincoln, the damn chicken-hearted nigger lover, will perhaps be inaugurated, but I most heartily wish, ‘That never shall sun that morrow see.’ I am devoted to the South, mind and body, so that she gains her independence, I don’t care what becomes of me. .... One thing is very clear to my mind, the South must take some decisive step. She must throw a bomb-shell into the enemy’s hand that shall spread terror and consternation wherever it goes. You know what I mean, so don’t be surprised. Sincerely yours, John Wilkes Booth.” (Burk McCarty, Ex-Romanist, The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Larry Harrison Edit., p. 131.)
Pope Pius IX and his Jesuits had Roman Catholics in the U.S. who were willing to do their bidding. Priests were in the home of Mrs. Mary Surratt, Washington, D.C., both day and night as they made their plans.
Mary Surratt was one of the most devout Catholic women in D.C. The day following the assassination of Lincoln, Mrs. Surratt’s daughter said, “His death was no more than the death of any nigger in the army.”
One of the conspirators, Lewis Payne, stabbed Seward, the Secretary of State; David Herold was to assassinate Vice-President Johnson; George Atzerodt, who was to also help kill Johnson, chickened-out, but he did help Booth to escape, and his testimony exposed the conspiracy further; General Grant’s would-be-attacker, Irish-Catholic Michael O’Laughlin, didn’t follow through either; part of the conspiracy was a Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, who fixed Booth’s broken leg, which occurred when the assassin jumped to the stage, catching his spur on a hanging flag; and the devoted Roman Catholic, an ex-Protestant and Jesuit professor of Gonzaga College, Louis J. Weichman, and local priests, Fathers Wiget and Lahiman, admit that they were living in Mrs. Surratt’s house.
During the trial of many of these conspirators, the Roman Catholic issue and connections were played down as that issue was trying to be avoided. Eight were found guilty, of which four were hung: Mrs. Surratt, Lewis Payne, David Herold and George Atzerodt. The others were given prison sentences.
John Surratt, with the help of priests, got out of the U.S. and ended up in the Pope’s personal bodyguards called the “Zouaves.” After a long search, he was discovered and it was demanded that he be brought back to the U.S. for trial. Rome complied with the request, but during the trial the Vatican made sure that at least three members of the jury were faithful Catholics. The guilty verdict of the other jurors was blocked, and John Surratt went free.
Kennedy and the Bankers
It might rightly be said that no president, since Abraham Lincoln, had more love and concern for the welfare for his beloved country, the United States of America, than John F. Kennedy. And no United States president since Lincoln dared to go against the system and create his own money. For the fact is, that most of those so-called elected presidents, who preceded Kennedy, were actually only instruments, or puppets, of the Vatican Bankers. That is, until John F. Kennedy took the White House as President.
John F. Kennedy was his own man, and not afraid to “buck the system,” for he understood how the international banker’s Federal Reserve System was being used to destroy the United States. As a just and honorable man, he could not tolerate such a system, for it smelled of corruption from A to Z. Certainly he must have known about the Greenbacks which Abraham Lincoln created when he was in office.
On June 4th, 1963, President Kennedy signed a presidential document, called Executive Order 11110. This gave Kennedy, as President of the United States, legal clearance to create his own money to run the country, money that would belong to the people, an Interest and debt-free money just as Lincoln created for the benefit of the country. He had printed United States Treasury Notes, completely ignoring the Federal Reserve Notes from the privately owned banks of the Federal Reserve. Records show that President Kennedy issued $4,292,893,825 (over 4 billion) of cash money. It was perfectly obvious that Kennedy was out to undermine the Federal Reserve System of the United States. (The Federal Reserve IS NOT Federal at all, it is privately owned by a multitude of international bankers, which fact is contained in another study and also well documented in this author’s book, Awake and Arise, first published in 1992.)
But it was only a few months later, in November of 1963, that the world received the shocking news of President Kennedy’s assassination. No reason was given, of course, for anyone wanting to commit such an atrocious crime; it was only Oswald, some radical-nut with a gun. But for those who knew anything about money and banking, it did not take long to put the pieces of the puzzle together. President Kennedy must have had it in mind to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and return to the United States Congress the power to create its own money.
It is interesting to note that, the day FOLLOWING Kennedy’s assassination, President Lyndon B. Johnson had all the U.S. Treasury Notes, which Kennedy had issued, recalled from circulation. Was President Johnson afraid of the Bankers, or was he one of their instruments as many other presidents have been? At any rate, all of the money President Kennedy had created was destroyed. And not a word was said to the American people concerning it. Even to this day, most people do not even know that such Treasury Notes existed. Well, they still do. There are many who trade in currency who still possess them, and I have personally seen and held one of them owned by a friend of mine, which Treasury Note was signed by the Secretary of the Treasury under Kennedy, C. Douglas Dillon.
I find it rather interesting, but not significant, that the Vice-President who took the Presidency after Lincoln was shot, and the Vice-President who assumed that position after Kennedy’s death were both named Johnson.
So, here we are in 2008, and the United States is still operating under the conspiratorial Federal Reserve System. That system has already plunged this country over $11 trillion into Federal debt. The total debt, which includes that of individuals and corporations, is over $20 trillion; a debt it will never be able to pay, and which debt has been responsible for every kind of corruption imaginable. Yet, barely a peep of protest can be heard from the American people.
All the Bankers have to do to keep their power is to get rid of the few politicians who are honestly working for an honest economic reform, and keep the people at large relatively ignorant, entertained, apathetic, and consequently controlled by the Jesuit directed entertainment and news media.
The Cuban Missile Crisis & Vietnam
Unbeknownst to the entire world, except for a relatively very small handful of people, the third most powerful man in the world is the Arch Bishop of New York, and during the days of President John F. Kennedy that Bishop was Francis Cardinal Spellman. The most powerful man being the Superior Jesuit General of the Society of Jesus, the second being the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, and the third the Arch Bishop of New York.
The small island of Cuba, just 90 miles south of Key West, Florida, is Hispanic in makeup and, therefore, Roman Catholic by religion. When Fidel Castro invited Soviet Russia in to set up camp and install their war missiles, our Catholic President Kennedy took them to task, which upset the Papacy to no end. The CIA devised the “Bay of Pig” fiasco, which disturbed and embarrassed Kennedy.
While this international intrigue was going on, the U.S. had gotten itself duped into the Vietnam conflict, which was partly a brain-child of Cardinal Spellman, for Vatican purposes. The war, itself, has become known, at least in some circles, as “Spelly’s War,” because of his involvement with it. President Kennedy had plans on de-escalating our involvement in Vietnam. And it was the U.S.’s reluctant commitment to that war that President Kennedy was trying to fund when he issued his Executive Order creating U.S. Treasury Notes, instead of borrowing the money from one of the International banking systems, the Federal Reserve. As mentioned above, this also torqued off the Vatican.
The Separation of Church and State
One of the big bug-a-boos with which the Papal Chair had to deal, was John Kennedy’s firm stance in support of the separation of the Church and State doctrine of this nation. As discussed elsewhere, the Roman Catholic Church and the sovereign Vatican City is a Church-State combination, to which President Kennedy was opposed. Upon this subject we have the following quotes from this great President:
“Whatever one’s religion in his private life may be, for the officeholder, nothing takes precedence over his oath to uphold the Constitution and all its parts – including the First Amendment and the strict separation of church and state.” (Interview, Look, March 3, 1959, from Albert J Menendez and Edd Doerr, The Great Quotations on Religious Freedom.)
“If my church attempted to influence me in a way which was improper or which affected adversely my responsibilities as a public servant sworn to uphold the Constitution, then I would reply to them that this was an improper action on their part. It was one to which I could not subscribe.” (Press conference, Houston, Texas, September 12, 1960, Ibid.)
“We do not want an official state church. If ninety-nine percent of the population were Catholics, I would still be opposed to it. I do not want civil power combined with religious power. I want to make it clear that I am committed as a matter of deep personal conviction to separation.” (Interview, CBS-TV, ‘Face the Nation,’ October 30, 1960, Ibid.)
“I am flatly opposed to appointment of an ambassador to the Vatican. Whatever advantages it might have in Rome – and I’m not convinced of these – they would be more than offset by the divisive effect at home.” (Look, March 3, 1959, Ibid.)
“I believe in an America that is officially neither Catholic, Protestant nor Jewish – where no public official either requests or accepts instructions on public policy from the Pope, the National Council of Churches, or any other ecclesiastical source – where no religious body seeks to impose its will directly or indirectly upon the general populace or the public acts of its officials – and where religious liberty is so indivisible that an act against one church is treated as an act against all.” (Kennedy’s Address to the Ministerial Association of Greater Houston, September 12, 1960, Ibid.)
The reader can see how statements such as these, which are just a few, would be considered a slap in the face to the Pope, who has always desired the demise of the free American way of life and its separation of church and state doctrine. Something, surely, had to be done with this obstinate Catholic President.
Conspiracy in High Office
Among many issues confronting this new President, the CIA-FBI confrontation was a big one. The corrupt dealings of the CIA; its unwarranted meddling in the affairs of other nations; it dealings with the drug cartel; and its trading of secrets with other countries aroused Kennedy’s serious concern. So much so, that he had designs of eliminating this U.S. Jesuit organization altogether.
J. Edger Hoover, of the FBI, who had always been at odds with the CIA, supported Kennedy in the idea of trashing the entire CIA operation, part of which operation infringed upon that of the FBI in the first place. In the process, Allen Dulles, CIA Director, was fired by President Kennedy. Along with other issues, this approach by President Kennedy was not only a serious threat to the CIA, but of the Vatican’s incursion and influence in U.S. affairs, with the goal of someday dominating the country for the sake of the Papacy.
Understanding the international conspiracies and intrigues housed within the U.S. governmental system, President Kennedy had the nerve to proclaim, in a speech delivered at Columbia University, in October of 1963, that: “The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy America’s freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of their plight.” The following month on a Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, President John F. Kennedy was dead. The assassination of President Kennedy was triggered by the fact that he defied Popes John XXIII and Paul VI in matters that upset their Eminences.
Kennedy’s death was ordered by the reigning Jesuit General at the time, Jean-Baptiste Janssens, the “Black Pope”; executed under Pope Paul VI; was carried out under the direction of the Arch Bishop of New York, Frances Cardinal Spellman, who some nicknamed, “the American Pope.” Spellman has also been dubbed, “the American Military Vicar,” who used his most obedient soldiers (certain Knights of Malta, Shriner Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, and Mafia Dons) in carrying out his orders from Rome to kill President Kennedy.
One of the reasons for the President’s assassination was his interference with the purpose of the Jesuits’ American Empire they were trying to create, one of the purposes being to restore and maintain the worldwide political Power of the “infallible” Pope. In resisting the Pope’s temporal Power, Kennedy threatened the monopoly of the Federal Reserve Bank by enacting Executive Order 11110 (4 June 1963), which created 4.7 billion dollars of interest-free “United States Treasury Notes,” instead of borrowing from the Bank.
The President also attempted to break the foremost international intelligence arm of the Vatican – the evil Central Intelligence Agency - into a thousand pieces. The CIA was the creation of the Papacy’s Nazi supporters, and in 1963, the CIA was manned by many of Hitler’s old Jesuit-Nazi SS warriors. Under the direction of Cardinal Spellman, the CIA carried out the assassination plot dubbed, “the crime of the century.”
As stated,
Jean-Baptiste Janssens, was the Superior General of The Society of Jesus (the Jesuit Order) at the time. His reign as Black Pope was from 1946-1964, and the photo (at left) was taken from The Saturday Evening Post, January 17, 1959.
Janssens ruled over Hitler’s Pope Pius XII, Khrushchev’s Pope John XXIII, President Johnson’s Pope Paul VI, and was in command of the Masters of International Secret Societies including: the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Scottish-Rite Shriner Freemasonry, The Order of the Illuminati, The Knights of Columbus, The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, B’nai B’rith, The Club of Rome, the Nation of Islam and its private army called “The Fruit of Islam,” The Mafia Commission, Bilderbergers, Opus Dei, plus others.
This photo (shown right)
, taken from Swanberg’s Luce and His Empire, 1972, displays five of the most important assassins. On center stage at the Waldorf ballroom during Time’s fortieth anniversary party in 1963, only months before “the crime of the century,” we see from left to right:
Henry R. Luce — Member, Knight of Malta and Council on Foreign Relations; Editor, Time/Life, whose office was in Rockefeller Center across the street from Cardinal Spellman’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral; and published the notorious forgery of Oswald holding a rifle on the cover of Life magazine.
Dean Rusk — President Kennedy’s Secretary of State and “Brutus” to his “Caesar”; Member, Council on Foreign Relations; Advisor, National Security Council;
J. Peter Grace — Head, American Branch of the Knights of Malta; Member, Council on Foreign Relations; in charge of at least ten Knights of Malta involved in the assassination and cover-up including: Frank Shakespeare, of CBS; Walter Cronkite, of CBS and CFR member; Francis X. Stankard, of the CFR’s Chase-Manhattan Bank; John J. McCloy, of the Warren Commission and CFR member; Lee Iacocca,of Ford Motor Company; Carl Renas, head of security for the Dearborn Division to drive the bullet-ridden Presidential limousine from Washington D.C. to a Ford dealership in Cincinnati, for the purpose of removing all evidence of multiple gunshots; and John A. McCone, Director of the CIA who personally delivered National Security Memorandum 273 for President Johnson’s signature, thereby reversing President Kennedy’s decision to de-escalate “Spelly’s War” in Vietnam.
Clare Boothe Luce — Dame of Malta; Member, Council on Foreign Relations; former ambassador to Italy under President Eisenhower; aided Thomas “Tip” O’Neill, Speaker of the House of Representatives and Papal Knight, along with Robert Blakey, in hindering the Assassinations Committee of 1976. Blakey, for a job well done, went on to be employed as a law professor at Rome’s Notre Dame University in Indiana. The University President who employed Blakey was another darling of the Jesuits, CFR member and Civil Rights agitator, Priest Theodore M. Hesburgh.
Francis Cardinal Spellman — Jesuit-trained at Fordham University in New York and the American College in Rome; Archbishop of Rome’s wealthiest and most powerful Diocese of New York; “Military Vicar” of the American Empire controlling the Knights of Malta, Shriner Freemasonry, the Knights of Columbus, and the Mafia’s Commission; member, committee of 300; and the acting King of the Pope’s “Holy Roman” American Empire. Cardinal Spellman therefore controlled the Council on Foreign Relations, the FBI, the CIA, Military Intelligence (including the Office of Naval Intelligence) and the Secret Service. Spellman was the Power and Mastermind behind the assassination of President Kennedy, with the subsequent Cover-up, continued by Cardinals Cooke and O’Connor.
Why Oswald the Patsy
The popular conclusion of the Kennedy assassination, the one fostered by the the infamous Warren Report, and the one most people prefer to believe, was that Lee Harvey Oswald was the “Lone gunman” who pulled the trigger that shot and killed President John F. Kennedy; contrary to all the evidence otherwise.
Actually, Oswald was a double spy. When the rivalry and intrigue was going on between the FBI and the CIA, at the time Kennedy fired Allen Dulles as Director of the CIA, Oswald was an FBI agent used to work within and infiltrate the CIA to gather information against that agency. Having discovered Oswald’s true identity and purpose, and upon the directive for the assassination of President Kennedy, the CIA used Oswald as the fall-guy. Besides, anyone who knows anything about military weaponry should know that the gun Oswald was claimed to have used was incapable of shooting accurately the distance required for such a target. And Oswald, being a trained agent, would have known better than to use the rifle he allegedly used.
Jack Ruby, on the other hand, the guy who so “patriotically” shot and killed Oswald, was discovered to be a Mafia stooge of the CIA. And dying of cancer anyway, he accepted the job of eliminating Oswald and any testimony Oswald would have given. Ruby succumbed to his disease shortly thereafter; at least that is what the controlled news media reported.
Oh, yes, another thing: endlessly burning over President Kennedy’s grave is an “eternal flame.” It was directed to be put there by members of the Jesuits Illuminati. The word, Illuminati, means “enlightenment,” or “the enlightened ones.” And by having that “eternal flame” there, they are letting the world know who was responsible for that dastardly deed.
To Conclude
That which has been presented regarding the assassination of both President Abraham Lincoln and President John F. Kennedy is but a proverbial “drop in the bucket,” compared to the truth that is really out there. When you hire a corrupt government agency to investigate corruption in government, all you are going to get is a corrupt investigation. It’s like ... say ... getting the wolf to investigate why the houses of the little pigs are being blown down. Could anyone truly trust such an investigative report?
Among overwhelming odds, and corruption in many instances, both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy had the courage to stand up for principles and to fight for justice. They have both gone down in history as being true patriots in the cause of the United States. But do we, as citizens, have the courage to follow their example? To stand up and be counted? And as Lincoln said, “a man must not care how and where he dies, provided he dies at the post of honor and duty.” Both Lincoln and Kennedy did just that.
Melvin Sickler, authority on the death of both Presidents, and from whose work some of this study is gleaned, had these questions: Why assassinate a President? Why must everything be kept so covered up? What are they trying to hide from the American people?
I wish we had the time and the room to illustrate all the details of how the Vatican Jesuits were the real cause of the assassination of both Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy, but we do not. Hopefully, this study will help shed a little light upon the subject, and provide a few answers to the above questions.
Abraham Lincoln
First, let’s consider the assassination of the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, and mention three main reasons why the Jesuits hated him and wanted to see him out of the way.
Lincoln and the Bankers
During the Civil

Lincoln was advised to get Congress to pass a law authorizing the printing of full legal-tender Treasury notes to pay for the War effort. Recognizing the great benefits of this type of money issue, he wrote: “... (we) gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they have ever had – their own paper money to pay their own debts...”
The U.S. Treasury notes were printed with green ink on the back, so the people called them “Greenbacks.” Lincoln printed over $400 million worth of Greenbacks ($449,338,902, to be exact); money created to be debt-free and interest-free. The Greenbacks were used for paying the soldiers, for U.S. Civil Service employees, for war supplies, and for legal-tender for all debts public and private.
Great Britain was a Banking nation, and for years the world’s largest banking concern, the Rothschilds of London, had been trying to establish another National Bank within the U.S., but with no success. (See the study entitled, The Evils of Banking, for a better understanding about the First National Bank of the U.S., and Banking in general.) Because of Rothschild’s control of British banking, The London Times printed the following:
“If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”
The Bankers obviously understood. The only thing that is a threat to their power are sovereign governments printing interest and debt-free paper money. They knew it would destroy the power of the international bankers. So the British Government, which was controlled by banks, moved to support the Confederate South, hoping to destroy this government and its new money system, which they said had to go. However, they were stopped by two things.
First, Lincoln knew the British people, and he knew that Britain would not support slavery, so he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, abolishing slavery. At this point, the London Bankers could not openly support the Confederacy because the British people would not stand for their country supporting slavery.
Second, the Czar of Russia sent a portion of the Russian navy to the United States with orders that its admiral would operate under the command of Abraham Lincoln. These Russian navy ships became a threat to the British navy, which had intended to break the blockade and help the South. Of course, the Union was preserved as the North won the War.
The Bankers were determined to put an end to Lincoln’s interest-free, debt-free U.S. Treasury Greenbacks. The Papacy, along with their Jesuit cohorts, the real power behind the banks, and the major supporter of the Southern States during the War, sent their agents to accomplish the nasty deed at Ford’s Theater.
Very shortly after the War, President Andrew Johnson, along with Congress, revoked the Greenback Law and enacted, in its place, the National Banking Act. The national banks were to be privately owned, and the bank notes they issued were to be interest bearing. The Act also ordered that the Greenbacks should be retired from circulation.
As an interesting side note: In 1972, the United States Treasury Department was asked to compute the amount of interest that would have been paid if Lincoln’s $449,338,902 (to help pay for the Civil War effort) had been borrowed from the bankers, at the current interest rate of the times, instead of issuing the Greenback Treasury Bills. They did some computations, and the U.S. Treasury Department said the United States Government saved $4 BILLION in interest because Lincoln had created the nation’s own money. So one can imagine how much our U.S. Government HAS paid and how much we STILL OWE solely on the basis of interest, seeing that we are over $11 TRILLION in debt to the Federal Reserve. So it’s not hard to imagine why the bankers hated Lincoln so much.
Father Charles Chiniquy
The Greenback

Because of Chiniquy’s moral values that would not bend to the immoral corruption of the Catholic Church, which he tried to serve in a Christ-like manner, and because of the evil he saw exhibited within that Church, which he often denounced during his years of priestly service, local Bishops of the Canadian and American arms of the Church tried to ruin him, and on one particular occasion took him to court in Urbana, Illinois.
Father Chiniquy, not able to get his witnesses to Urbana, felt alone in the fight until he was told that there was only one lawyer that might be able to help him, and his name was Abraham Lincoln. On May 19, 1856, Chiniquy met Lincoln. Sometime afterwards, Chiniquy said that “it was impossible to talk with him for five minutes without loving him. There was such an expression of kindness and honesty in his face,” and that “Lincoln was one of the noblest men heaven had ever given to earth.” (The Big Betrayal, pp. 41, 44.)
Lincoln told Father Chiniquy that he was already familiar with the case, having followed it in the newspapers, and knew Chiniquy as a strict opponent of the tyranny of the Bishops of the Roman Church. Lincoln told Chiniquy, “Your enemies are devils in flesh. Their plot against you was the most hellish I’ve ever known.” (Ibid, p. 47.)
After Lincoln won the case for the Priest, Chiniquy was fearful for what it might cost Abraham Lincoln. Father Quiniquy told Lincoln, “Sitting in the crowd of that trial, were twelve Jesuit priests from Chicago and St. Louis who came to hear me being sentenced to prison. Nothing can describe the rage on their faces when you wrenched me from their cruel hands ... and then made the court house tremble when you exposed the diabolical plot to destroy me. What I saw in their eyes was your death sentence.”
Upon hearing that, Lincoln said, “I know the Jesuits never forget nor forsake. But a man must not care how and where he dies, provided he dies at the post of honor and duty.” (Ibid, p. 47-48.)
The Secret Treaty of Verona
Let’s begin with a quote from Burke McCarty, an Ex-Romanist. His book, The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (first published in 1924) is so knowledgeable, well written, and documented that it should leave the reader with no doubt as to the author’s credibility in reporting the incident and the details surrounding that assassination. In the quote below, mention is made of the Secret Treaty of Verona. But, first, there needs to be a brief explanation of that treaty.
This treaty of Verona, October 1822, was a pact entered into by very high officials of the former Congress of Vienna, Austria; these high secret sessions were held during the years of 1814-1815. Simultaneously, in 1814, Pope Pius VII restored the infamous Jesuit Order, which had been abolished by Pope Clement XIV in July of 1773. With the restoration of this Jesuit Order, the fulfillment of the Secret Treaty of Verona was placed in their care.
The Congress of Vienna was a black conspiracy against popular Governments, meaning government without a king. At its close, the high contracting parties announced that they had formed a “Holy alliance.” This was a cloak under which they hid to deceive the people. The particular business of the Congress of Verona was the RATIFICATION of Article Six of the Congress of Vienna, which was a promise to prevent or destroy popular Governments wherever found, and to re-establish monarchs where there were none. The death of President Lincoln was the culmination of but one step in the attempt to carry out the Secret Treaty of Verona. Now for Burke McCarty’s quote:
“... I will leave it to my reader to decide whether I have proven my contention in the beginning of this book that the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and four other presidents [James A. Garfield, William McKinley, Zachary Taylor, Warren G. Harding] is but a part of the great conspiracy which was outlined in the Secret Treaty of Verona to destroy this the most formidable Republic.
“That the execution of this conspiracy in Lincoln’s case, was delegated by the Pope of Rome to the Jesuits aided and abetted by the priests of Canada and Washington, D.C., in the United States and their lay agents, the Leopoldines.
“That instead of the use of bullets and bayonets, their method has been and is still, to destroy from within by the subversion of all of the free institutions upon which this Republic is based.
“That the church of Rome has established a separate citizenship to promote its teachings and by its enormous wealth a large proportion of which has been obtained by unconstitutional and illegal appropriations from public funds; that with this wealth (over two and a half billion dollars worth of church and other religious property, for the most part exempt from taxation) it has by a system of intimidation and bribery corrupted our free press and is in control of every avenue of publicity, so that the American people remain in almost total ignorance of its pernicious activities, which, if not curbed, will succeed in accomplishing its object in these United States.
“... Also remember that Pius IXth stands for just what all popes have stood for. That he stands against everything ... Americanism represents. Solution — ‘Put only Americans on guard.’” (The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, by Burke McCarty, Ex-Romanist, 1924; Republished by Larry Harrison, 9066 Knickerbocker, St. John, Indiana 46373, 1999; pp. 260-61.)
To the right

“Nowhere else can be found, in one small volume, the connected presentation of the story leading up to the death of President Abraham Lincoln and those responsible for bringing about his assassination. In all the history of political assassination plots by the enemies of freedom, nothing can exceed the cruel murder of this great American for cold calculation, relentless pursuit, subtle cunning and cowardly execution. This amazing book brings to the light of day a great deal of information which is of vital importance at this time. That papal Rome was responsible for the assassination of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln no doubt seems to most people a rather far-fetched allegation. Nevertheless, in this fascinating book you will see evidence that leaves little doubt that the allegation is in fact true. While pope Pius IX didn’t personally pull the trigger, several of the conspirators were not merely Roman ‘Catholics’, but were schooled by the Vatican-based secret society known as the Jesuits who have long been advocates of regicide (assassination of rulers). The southern confederacy was linked heart and soul with popery and the pope - both shortly before and after the Lincoln assassination - made public pronouncements that were fiercely in opposition to protestant American constitutional liberty, and in favor of slavery.”
The book quoted from above has been reprinted along with another book about this same assassination, entitled, Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, by Thomas M. Harris. And the book by ex-Catholic Priest, Charles Chiniquy, 50 Years in the “Church” of Rome, among other revelations, reveals his friendship with Lincoln, and testifies of how it was that the Jesuits were behind that assassination.
Some years after warning Lincoln of the threat to his life, Charles Chiniquy had a chance to meet with him again. Upon that meeting Chiniquy records that the President said, “I am so glad to meet you again, you see that your friends, the Jesuits, have not yet killed me. But they would have surely done it when I passed through their most devoted city, Baltimore, had I not passed by incognito a few hours before they expected me. We have proof that the company which had been selected and organized to murder me was led by a rabid Roman Catholic, called Byrne; it was almost entirely composed of Roman Catholics; more than that, there were two disguised priests among them...” (Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, Chick pub., p. 292.)
At another time Chiniquy had opportunity to warn the President of an impending threat. At that time he said to Lincoln:
“My dear president, I must repeat what I said at Urbana in 1856. I fear you will fall under the blows of a Jesuit assassin if you do not pay more attention to protect yourself. Remember that because Coligny was an heretic, as you are, he was brutally murdered in the St. Bartholomew night; that Henry IV was stabbed by the Jesuit assassin, Revaillac, the 14th of May, 1610, for having given liberty of conscience to his people; and that William the Taciturn was shot dead by another Jesuit murderer, called Girard, for having broken the yoke of the pope. The Church of Rome is absolutely the same and does believe and teach today, as then, that she has the right and duty to punish by death any heretic who is an obstacle to her designs.
“The Catholic hierarchy of the United States is on the side of the rebels as incontrovertible evidence that Rome wants to destroy this republic. You are, by your personal virtues, your popularity, your love for liberty, your position, the greatest obstacle to their diabolical schemes. Their hatred is concentrated upon you. My blood chills when I contemplate the day when Rome will add to all her other iniquities the murder of Abraham Lincoln.” (Ibid, pp. 293-294.)
The Popery and the U.S. Civil War
In his book, Charles Chiniquy often recites President Lincoln’s comments concerning the Jesuits’ involvement in the war. At one time Chiniquy quoted Lincoln, who said,
“This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor any of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholics, even the arms of France, were at their disposal, if they would attack us. I pity the priests, the bishops and the monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the blood shed in this war. I conceal what I know, for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides.” (Ibid, pp. 296-297.)
Actor John Wilkes Booth and Company
Volumes have been written about the Lincoln assassination, but few are aware of the real culprits behind that act of villainy. Yes, “actor” John Wilkes Booth did shoot the President, but did you know he, and his co-conspirators, were devout Roman Catholics “acting” under orders of the Jesuits?
John Wilkes Booth, a theater actor, was not born a Roman Catholic, but by 1860 he had began to convert to that religion. In 1860, he was initiated into the Knights of the Golden Circle, a Catholic lay organization. The Knights of the Golden Circle “were committed to the preservation of slavery in the lands bordering the Caribbean Sea – the so-called ‘Golden Circle.’ The seal of the Knights featured a cross similar to the Maltese cross used by the old Knights of Malta.” The following excerpt is from a letter written by Booth to an unknown person, quite possibly a Catholic Priest or a Jesuit ally.
“Dear Sir: The K.G.C. had a meeting; I was initiated. ‘The die is cast and I have crossed the Rubicon’ and can never return. They tell me that Lincoln, the damn chicken-hearted nigger lover, will perhaps be inaugurated, but I most heartily wish, ‘That never shall sun that morrow see.’ I am devoted to the South, mind and body, so that she gains her independence, I don’t care what becomes of me. .... One thing is very clear to my mind, the South must take some decisive step. She must throw a bomb-shell into the enemy’s hand that shall spread terror and consternation wherever it goes. You know what I mean, so don’t be surprised. Sincerely yours, John Wilkes Booth.” (Burk McCarty, Ex-Romanist, The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Larry Harrison Edit., p. 131.)
Pope Pius IX and his Jesuits had Roman Catholics in the U.S. who were willing to do their bidding. Priests were in the home of Mrs. Mary Surratt, Washington, D.C., both day and night as they made their plans.
Mary Surratt was one of the most devout Catholic women in D.C. The day following the assassination of Lincoln, Mrs. Surratt’s daughter said, “His death was no more than the death of any nigger in the army.”
One of the conspirators, Lewis Payne, stabbed Seward, the Secretary of State; David Herold was to assassinate Vice-President Johnson; George Atzerodt, who was to also help kill Johnson, chickened-out, but he did help Booth to escape, and his testimony exposed the conspiracy further; General Grant’s would-be-attacker, Irish-Catholic Michael O’Laughlin, didn’t follow through either; part of the conspiracy was a Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, who fixed Booth’s broken leg, which occurred when the assassin jumped to the stage, catching his spur on a hanging flag; and the devoted Roman Catholic, an ex-Protestant and Jesuit professor of Gonzaga College, Louis J. Weichman, and local priests, Fathers Wiget and Lahiman, admit that they were living in Mrs. Surratt’s house.
During the trial of many of these conspirators, the Roman Catholic issue and connections were played down as that issue was trying to be avoided. Eight were found guilty, of which four were hung: Mrs. Surratt, Lewis Payne, David Herold and George Atzerodt. The others were given prison sentences.
John Surratt, with the help of priests, got out of the U.S. and ended up in the Pope’s personal bodyguards called the “Zouaves.” After a long search, he was discovered and it was demanded that he be brought back to the U.S. for trial. Rome complied with the request, but during the trial the Vatican made sure that at least three members of the jury were faithful Catholics. The guilty verdict of the other jurors was blocked, and John Surratt went free.
When Booth was killed in a shoot-out on April 26th, a medal was found around his neck of the Virgin Mary, and in his personal diary were the words, “I can never repent; God made me the instrument of his [Lincoln’s] punishment.”
If the Vatican
had reason to despise President Abraham Lincoln, then there certainly was reason for its contempt toward John F. Kennedy, the thirty-fifth President of the United States; and that disdain went much deeper than being disappointed over a mere unfulfilled campaign promise. There are quite a few reasons why the Papacy would want to get rid of Kennedy, so let’s first start with the money incident.
John F. Kennedy
If the Vatican

Kennedy and the Bankers
It might rightly be said that no president, since Abraham Lincoln, had more love and concern for the welfare for his beloved country, the United States of America, than John F. Kennedy. And no United States president since Lincoln dared to go against the system and create his own money. For the fact is, that most of those so-called elected presidents, who preceded Kennedy, were actually only instruments, or puppets, of the Vatican Bankers. That is, until John F. Kennedy took the White House as President.
John F. Kennedy was his own man, and not afraid to “buck the system,” for he understood how the international banker’s Federal Reserve System was being used to destroy the United States. As a just and honorable man, he could not tolerate such a system, for it smelled of corruption from A to Z. Certainly he must have known about the Greenbacks which Abraham Lincoln created when he was in office.
On June 4th, 1963, President Kennedy signed a presidential document, called Executive Order 11110. This gave Kennedy, as President of the United States, legal clearance to create his own money to run the country, money that would belong to the people, an Interest and debt-free money just as Lincoln created for the benefit of the country. He had printed United States Treasury Notes, completely ignoring the Federal Reserve Notes from the privately owned banks of the Federal Reserve. Records show that President Kennedy issued $4,292,893,825 (over 4 billion) of cash money. It was perfectly obvious that Kennedy was out to undermine the Federal Reserve System of the United States. (The Federal Reserve IS NOT Federal at all, it is privately owned by a multitude of international bankers, which fact is contained in another study and also well documented in this author’s book, Awake and Arise, first published in 1992.)
But it was only a few months later, in November of 1963, that the world received the shocking news of President Kennedy’s assassination. No reason was given, of course, for anyone wanting to commit such an atrocious crime; it was only Oswald, some radical-nut with a gun. But for those who knew anything about money and banking, it did not take long to put the pieces of the puzzle together. President Kennedy must have had it in mind to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and return to the United States Congress the power to create its own money.
It is interesting to note that, the day FOLLOWING Kennedy’s assassination, President Lyndon B. Johnson had all the U.S. Treasury Notes, which Kennedy had issued, recalled from circulation. Was President Johnson afraid of the Bankers, or was he one of their instruments as many other presidents have been? At any rate, all of the money President Kennedy had created was destroyed. And not a word was said to the American people concerning it. Even to this day, most people do not even know that such Treasury Notes existed. Well, they still do. There are many who trade in currency who still possess them, and I have personally seen and held one of them owned by a friend of mine, which Treasury Note was signed by the Secretary of the Treasury under Kennedy, C. Douglas Dillon.
I find it rather interesting, but not significant, that the Vice-President who took the Presidency after Lincoln was shot, and the Vice-President who assumed that position after Kennedy’s death were both named Johnson.
So, here we are in 2008, and the United States is still operating under the conspiratorial Federal Reserve System. That system has already plunged this country over $11 trillion into Federal debt. The total debt, which includes that of individuals and corporations, is over $20 trillion; a debt it will never be able to pay, and which debt has been responsible for every kind of corruption imaginable. Yet, barely a peep of protest can be heard from the American people.
All the Bankers have to do to keep their power is to get rid of the few politicians who are honestly working for an honest economic reform, and keep the people at large relatively ignorant, entertained, apathetic, and consequently controlled by the Jesuit directed entertainment and news media.
The Cuban Missile Crisis & Vietnam
Unbeknownst to the entire world, except for a relatively very small handful of people, the third most powerful man in the world is the Arch Bishop of New York, and during the days of President John F. Kennedy that Bishop was Francis Cardinal Spellman. The most powerful man being the Superior Jesuit General of the Society of Jesus, the second being the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, and the third the Arch Bishop of New York.
The small island of Cuba, just 90 miles south of Key West, Florida, is Hispanic in makeup and, therefore, Roman Catholic by religion. When Fidel Castro invited Soviet Russia in to set up camp and install their war missiles, our Catholic President Kennedy took them to task, which upset the Papacy to no end. The CIA devised the “Bay of Pig” fiasco, which disturbed and embarrassed Kennedy.
While this international intrigue was going on, the U.S. had gotten itself duped into the Vietnam conflict, which was partly a brain-child of Cardinal Spellman, for Vatican purposes. The war, itself, has become known, at least in some circles, as “Spelly’s War,” because of his involvement with it. President Kennedy had plans on de-escalating our involvement in Vietnam. And it was the U.S.’s reluctant commitment to that war that President Kennedy was trying to fund when he issued his Executive Order creating U.S. Treasury Notes, instead of borrowing the money from one of the International banking systems, the Federal Reserve. As mentioned above, this also torqued off the Vatican.
The Separation of Church and State
One of the big bug-a-boos with which the Papal Chair had to deal, was John Kennedy’s firm stance in support of the separation of the Church and State doctrine of this nation. As discussed elsewhere, the Roman Catholic Church and the sovereign Vatican City is a Church-State combination, to which President Kennedy was opposed. Upon this subject we have the following quotes from this great President:
“Whatever one’s religion in his private life may be, for the officeholder, nothing takes precedence over his oath to uphold the Constitution and all its parts – including the First Amendment and the strict separation of church and state.” (Interview, Look, March 3, 1959, from Albert J Menendez and Edd Doerr, The Great Quotations on Religious Freedom.)
“If my church attempted to influence me in a way which was improper or which affected adversely my responsibilities as a public servant sworn to uphold the Constitution, then I would reply to them that this was an improper action on their part. It was one to which I could not subscribe.” (Press conference, Houston, Texas, September 12, 1960, Ibid.)
“We do not want an official state church. If ninety-nine percent of the population were Catholics, I would still be opposed to it. I do not want civil power combined with religious power. I want to make it clear that I am committed as a matter of deep personal conviction to separation.” (Interview, CBS-TV, ‘Face the Nation,’ October 30, 1960, Ibid.)
“I am flatly opposed to appointment of an ambassador to the Vatican. Whatever advantages it might have in Rome – and I’m not convinced of these – they would be more than offset by the divisive effect at home.” (Look, March 3, 1959, Ibid.)
“I believe in an America that is officially neither Catholic, Protestant nor Jewish – where no public official either requests or accepts instructions on public policy from the Pope, the National Council of Churches, or any other ecclesiastical source – where no religious body seeks to impose its will directly or indirectly upon the general populace or the public acts of its officials – and where religious liberty is so indivisible that an act against one church is treated as an act against all.” (Kennedy’s Address to the Ministerial Association of Greater Houston, September 12, 1960, Ibid.)
The reader can see how statements such as these, which are just a few, would be considered a slap in the face to the Pope, who has always desired the demise of the free American way of life and its separation of church and state doctrine. Something, surely, had to be done with this obstinate Catholic President.
Conspiracy in High Office
Among many issues confronting this new President, the CIA-FBI confrontation was a big one. The corrupt dealings of the CIA; its unwarranted meddling in the affairs of other nations; it dealings with the drug cartel; and its trading of secrets with other countries aroused Kennedy’s serious concern. So much so, that he had designs of eliminating this U.S. Jesuit organization altogether.
J. Edger Hoover, of the FBI, who had always been at odds with the CIA, supported Kennedy in the idea of trashing the entire CIA operation, part of which operation infringed upon that of the FBI in the first place. In the process, Allen Dulles, CIA Director, was fired by President Kennedy. Along with other issues, this approach by President Kennedy was not only a serious threat to the CIA, but of the Vatican’s incursion and influence in U.S. affairs, with the goal of someday dominating the country for the sake of the Papacy.
Understanding the international conspiracies and intrigues housed within the U.S. governmental system, President Kennedy had the nerve to proclaim, in a speech delivered at Columbia University, in October of 1963, that: “The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy America’s freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of their plight.” The following month on a Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, President John F. Kennedy was dead. The assassination of President Kennedy was triggered by the fact that he defied Popes John XXIII and Paul VI in matters that upset their Eminences.
Kennedy’s death was ordered by the reigning Jesuit General at the time, Jean-Baptiste Janssens, the “Black Pope”; executed under Pope Paul VI; was carried out under the direction of the Arch Bishop of New York, Frances Cardinal Spellman, who some nicknamed, “the American Pope.” Spellman has also been dubbed, “the American Military Vicar,” who used his most obedient soldiers (certain Knights of Malta, Shriner Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, and Mafia Dons) in carrying out his orders from Rome to kill President Kennedy.
One of the reasons for the President’s assassination was his interference with the purpose of the Jesuits’ American Empire they were trying to create, one of the purposes being to restore and maintain the worldwide political Power of the “infallible” Pope. In resisting the Pope’s temporal Power, Kennedy threatened the monopoly of the Federal Reserve Bank by enacting Executive Order 11110 (4 June 1963), which created 4.7 billion dollars of interest-free “United States Treasury Notes,” instead of borrowing from the Bank.
The President also attempted to break the foremost international intelligence arm of the Vatican – the evil Central Intelligence Agency - into a thousand pieces. The CIA was the creation of the Papacy’s Nazi supporters, and in 1963, the CIA was manned by many of Hitler’s old Jesuit-Nazi SS warriors. Under the direction of Cardinal Spellman, the CIA carried out the assassination plot dubbed, “the crime of the century.”
As stated,

Janssens ruled over Hitler’s Pope Pius XII, Khrushchev’s Pope John XXIII, President Johnson’s Pope Paul VI, and was in command of the Masters of International Secret Societies including: the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Scottish-Rite Shriner Freemasonry, The Order of the Illuminati, The Knights of Columbus, The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, B’nai B’rith, The Club of Rome, the Nation of Islam and its private army called “The Fruit of Islam,” The Mafia Commission, Bilderbergers, Opus Dei, plus others.
This photo (shown right)

Henry R. Luce — Member, Knight of Malta and Council on Foreign Relations; Editor, Time/Life, whose office was in Rockefeller Center across the street from Cardinal Spellman’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral; and published the notorious forgery of Oswald holding a rifle on the cover of Life magazine.
Dean Rusk — President Kennedy’s Secretary of State and “Brutus” to his “Caesar”; Member, Council on Foreign Relations; Advisor, National Security Council;
J. Peter Grace — Head, American Branch of the Knights of Malta; Member, Council on Foreign Relations; in charge of at least ten Knights of Malta involved in the assassination and cover-up including: Frank Shakespeare, of CBS; Walter Cronkite, of CBS and CFR member; Francis X. Stankard, of the CFR’s Chase-Manhattan Bank; John J. McCloy, of the Warren Commission and CFR member; Lee Iacocca,of Ford Motor Company; Carl Renas, head of security for the Dearborn Division to drive the bullet-ridden Presidential limousine from Washington D.C. to a Ford dealership in Cincinnati, for the purpose of removing all evidence of multiple gunshots; and John A. McCone, Director of the CIA who personally delivered National Security Memorandum 273 for President Johnson’s signature, thereby reversing President Kennedy’s decision to de-escalate “Spelly’s War” in Vietnam.
Clare Boothe Luce — Dame of Malta; Member, Council on Foreign Relations; former ambassador to Italy under President Eisenhower; aided Thomas “Tip” O’Neill, Speaker of the House of Representatives and Papal Knight, along with Robert Blakey, in hindering the Assassinations Committee of 1976. Blakey, for a job well done, went on to be employed as a law professor at Rome’s Notre Dame University in Indiana. The University President who employed Blakey was another darling of the Jesuits, CFR member and Civil Rights agitator, Priest Theodore M. Hesburgh.
Francis Cardinal Spellman — Jesuit-trained at Fordham University in New York and the American College in Rome; Archbishop of Rome’s wealthiest and most powerful Diocese of New York; “Military Vicar” of the American Empire controlling the Knights of Malta, Shriner Freemasonry, the Knights of Columbus, and the Mafia’s Commission; member, committee of 300; and the acting King of the Pope’s “Holy Roman” American Empire. Cardinal Spellman therefore controlled the Council on Foreign Relations, the FBI, the CIA, Military Intelligence (including the Office of Naval Intelligence) and the Secret Service. Spellman was the Power and Mastermind behind the assassination of President Kennedy, with the subsequent Cover-up, continued by Cardinals Cooke and O’Connor.
Why Oswald the Patsy
The popular conclusion of the Kennedy assassination, the one fostered by the the infamous Warren Report, and the one most people prefer to believe, was that Lee Harvey Oswald was the “Lone gunman” who pulled the trigger that shot and killed President John F. Kennedy; contrary to all the evidence otherwise.
Actually, Oswald was a double spy. When the rivalry and intrigue was going on between the FBI and the CIA, at the time Kennedy fired Allen Dulles as Director of the CIA, Oswald was an FBI agent used to work within and infiltrate the CIA to gather information against that agency. Having discovered Oswald’s true identity and purpose, and upon the directive for the assassination of President Kennedy, the CIA used Oswald as the fall-guy. Besides, anyone who knows anything about military weaponry should know that the gun Oswald was claimed to have used was incapable of shooting accurately the distance required for such a target. And Oswald, being a trained agent, would have known better than to use the rifle he allegedly used.
Jack Ruby, on the other hand, the guy who so “patriotically” shot and killed Oswald, was discovered to be a Mafia stooge of the CIA. And dying of cancer anyway, he accepted the job of eliminating Oswald and any testimony Oswald would have given. Ruby succumbed to his disease shortly thereafter; at least that is what the controlled news media reported.
Oh, yes, another thing: endlessly burning over President Kennedy’s grave is an “eternal flame.” It was directed to be put there by members of the Jesuits Illuminati. The word, Illuminati, means “enlightenment,” or “the enlightened ones.” And by having that “eternal flame” there, they are letting the world know who was responsible for that dastardly deed.
To Conclude
That which has been presented regarding the assassination of both President Abraham Lincoln and President John F. Kennedy is but a proverbial “drop in the bucket,” compared to the truth that is really out there. When you hire a corrupt government agency to investigate corruption in government, all you are going to get is a corrupt investigation. It’s like ... say ... getting the wolf to investigate why the houses of the little pigs are being blown down. Could anyone truly trust such an investigative report?
Among overwhelming odds, and corruption in many instances, both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy had the courage to stand up for principles and to fight for justice. They have both gone down in history as being true patriots in the cause of the United States. But do we, as citizens, have the courage to follow their example? To stand up and be counted? And as Lincoln said, “a man must not care how and where he dies, provided he dies at the post of honor and duty.” Both Lincoln and Kennedy did just that.
“If the liberties of the American people are ever destroyed,
they will fall by the hands of the Catholic clergy.”
– Lafayette
they will fall by the hands of the Catholic clergy.”
– Lafayette